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Androin version wont connect


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did you use the app? 'wifipineapple connector' on play store  it also depends what end u use. normally you supply power to male end then phone to female end. i use a batery pack though. with no batery pack id id plug ome of the y ends into charger then feale of y to male of pineapple then your charging cable in female end of pineapple then plug in phone. so charger-cable-pineapple-cable-phone. there are quite a few ways to connect it. if you use the y cable on the male end using a phone i think its a diferent ip range. but thinking isnt my kind of thing. but thats ok theres an app for that.

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6 hours ago, nikmel420 said:

did you use the app? 'wifipineapple connector' on play store  it also depends what end u use. normally you supply power to male end then phone to female end. i use a batery pack though. with no batery pack id id plug ome of the y ends into charger then feale of y to male of pineapple then your charging cable in female end of pineapple then plug in phone. so charger-cable-pineapple-cable-phone. there are quite a few ways to connect it. if you use the y cable on the male end using a phone i think its a diferent ip range. but thinking isnt my kind of thing. but thats ok theres an app for that.

I have it connected to the correct ends but the power isnt the problem. I can go onto the pineapple page but I can connect it to internet


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knowing nothing of your set up a generic answer . go t networking reset defaults and update pathways. its supposed to automatically share your phones internet. but u can scan for acnection in the cliant tab. itsays dont use wlan1 because neededfor pine ap but theres no other choice yet. and geting internet conection is more important. is it brand new? because the first step is updating firmware. go to the faqs tab or those instructions

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Connect your phone to the internet. First  then you should have internet via pineapple. Make sure you can get a web page on your cellphone. If you CAN then you could have a problm with pineapple.

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