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reco shows home wifi clients as "unassociated"


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HiI'm running firmware 2.4.2

When i do a 5mn reco scan, the clients connected to my home router all appear as" unassociated clients" and not under my home ssid. (even hough they ARE connected to my home wifi) Beside that, they never connect to the pineAP. 
These clients are various : a microsoft surface laptop, a google pixel, an iphone... Only a TP link plug appeared associated with my home router.

I checked ALL the boxes in PineAP option
Filter are both set on "deny" with no macs in the lists.

I live in a building and 2 random clients connected to my Pine AP, a neighboor macbook and a printer. But none of my own clients which are in the same room ...

What could be the issue?

thank you

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I'm giving myself a very simple task now: i just want to manage to get my google pixel to connect to pineAP without doing it manually. It is currently appearing in the "unassociated client" even though its connected to my home wifi. PineAP deamon has been running for a while but nothing happens, my phone never connects to pineAP. I can't even deauth it because its seen as unassociated. As mentioned above, the filters are both on "deny" with nothing in the lists.

Am i doing something wrong ? Or is it just that modern devices with latest updates like my google pixel are  protected against whatever we try to do with a pineapple  ?  Or does the problem come from my router? Because i have this issue not only with the google pixel but with almost all my devices connected to it.

I don't know where to start to solve the problem...If someone can shed some light.


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Ok i think i find out the problem. I can see on my router interface that all these modern devices are connected automatically with the 802.11ac standard. And correct me if i'm wrong but this standard is not yet supported by the pineapple hardware.  So i can't see them associated to my router and thus i can't deauth them.

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