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access and infect windows xp with worm " for an educational project"


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I am in master in system and computer security I would like you expose my problem to know if you could help me.
I explain to you we have a project to create a worm that encrypts file type ". Avi "who will infect the victim's pc (the defender) and then spread to his virtual machine that is connected to the same local network and they will have to create a secure system.

Here is what we have:
- We have 2 choices of infection be using the local network "the pc of the victim and my machine using a network cable" or otherwise via a USB key that we just insert it yes remove ( I thought of Rubber Ducky or create one but I can not find it in my country)
- the operating system Windows XP sp3 32 bit.
- they have the right to use all possible tools including anti virus.
- the port they will have to leave open is 443 80 135.

 My problem lies in how to infect the machine and subsequently spread my worm. It's been 2 weeks that I'm looking for but I still have no satisfactory answer.

I tested the last flaw of EthernelBlue but without success Kaspersky blocks my access

Thank you.

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