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Where to start with IOT Hacking


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I have been poking at an IP camera for a while now, and have found a few cool things but I was wondering if anyone knew of some good youtubers or forums for specifically IOT hacking, I can't seem to find one. Also back to my project, looking at the traffic in Wireshark shows me that the traffic is unencrypted, would there be any way to watch the stream from within Wireshark? Or any other way to collect the packets and just watch the unencrypted stream? Also since the camera is motorized I am able to see the commands sent to the camera. How would I go about crafting and sending my own packets to the device to make it function? (just looking to be pointed in the right direction, not step by step) I'm guessing this would be some type of python package. Also if anyone has any other ideas for me I would love to hear them.  

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Practical Internet of Things (IoT) Hacking" is a unique course which offers security professionals, a comprehensive understanding of the complete IoT Technology suite including, IoT protocols, sensors, client side, mobile, cloud and their underlying weaknesses. The extensive hands-on labs enable attendees to identify, exploit or fix vulnerabilities in IoT, not just on emulators but on real smart devices as well. Attendees will get a eXos - custom IoT security Testing VM, Complete Lab manual and slides.

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On 1/28/2019 at 10:16 PM, Glowinghot666 said:

Excellent........thanks for sharing......😎

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