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USB door unlocker


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Ok so i was coming home tonight from a new years party and i went to grab my key to open the door but i ended up pulling out my flash drive.

so i have this mad idea where i can make a usb door unlocker/opener (mainly unlocker).

heres a little doodle


now what i was thinking is that stored on the selected flash drive there would be a batch script. and on that batch script i would of course have the action (like unlock door)and a password. the batch script would be shellexecute the script and it would send the action and password into a program on the computer and that program would take the password first and if that was correct it would use the action. then a special usb device wouldrepond to all that and unlock the door.

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untill someone runs a U3 through ur door. lol ^_^

still nice idea, though this is how magnetic card readers work, for Office buildings, hotels, places on interest.

though this would be a kool mod, not very cost effective i would imagine, but still rather kool.

*sneakers comes to mind, only way around a coded door, kick it in.*

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you may be able to do this very similarly as in the first episode with controlling your lights

the batch script (or similar) executes command to put power through a lock which unlocks it

when the usb drive is removed, reset to default :P

and you can let people in your room via your web enabled phone

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You could combine the web controlled lights from Hak.5, the 'auto-lock Windows on USB key removal' thread in the USB Hacks subforum, a batch/app that constantly checks to see when you've inserted your USB key and a sort of key file.


Batch file on USB key called 83N2kjB3j2SihdNjWbnk89.bat (the filename would act as your 'password') which activates the unlocking. The computer would constantly check for the key and if it finds a key, checks for your password .bat then runs it.

Warning: Bad Psuedo-code follows:

CheckForKey;                                                      'Check for USB keys

        If KeyFound Then CheckForBat;                'If there's a key then verify it's the right one

                If BatFound Then UnlockDoor;           'UnlockDoor would run the bat file

                If Not BatFound Then CheckForKey; 'If key has no batch then it's the wrong key

        If Not KeyFound Then CheckForKey;        'If there's no USB keys then keep checking

Also when the key is removed you could have a timer that locks the door again after say 15 seconds of the key being removed.


        If KeyPresent Then CheckKeyPresent;      'If the key's still there do nothing

        If Not KeyPresent Then LockDoorDelay;   'If key's gone, lock door in 15 seconds

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The hardest part would be the device unlocking the door its self, a few ideas just a quick think:

1. A deadbolt connected to a servo which just slide the bolt away to unlock the away.

Advantages: Very easy to construct, cheap

Disadvantages: Cant unlock it if there's a problem with the system (no non-tech way), if you didnt have the door shut and the door locked you would have to unlock then lock again

2. A Normal lock with a servo/motor pulling the handle down

Advantages: quite easy and cheap(ish) and a key could be used aswell.

Disadvantages: servo/motor has to be resonably powerful to pull the handle down, have to attach a rod/wire to the handle of the lock

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hmm if u used say a Parralel port, it would be easy enough to to make it act like a switch, using moonlit's 'Auto Locker' http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=50519#50519, and combining it somethink like what is mentioned in parralel port fun. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4310.

I must say like moonlits idea, just have a batch file with an odd name, or well garbage. though im thinking you may not need to have it as a batch file, by using VB6 pretty much everythink server side is possible, by setting up a 'USB File Monitor', then on find activating a parralel port line.

Which then will trigger the circuit, to retract the dead bolt. Uppon removel of the flash drive, a timer starts, once times up, ports close, causing circuit to break, resualting in dead lock snaping back into place.

(i have a 'USB File Monitor' which is used to scan Flash drives upon entery to make sure that the user does not have any unwanted file typs, if found then the program will move it to a designated server folder the parroniod School Comp Techs we were - this porgram would be easly modded to to suit ur needs, only i dont have a clue how to use the para ports ^_^)

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I must say like moonlits idea, just have a batch file with an odd name, or well garbage. though im thinking you may not need to have it as a batch file, by using VB6 pretty much everythink server side is possible, by setting up a 'USB File Monitor', then on find activating a parralel port line.

Well I thought having the seemingly random name for the batch file would be a simple step towards the altogether pathetic security this kind of setup would offer, the batch would contain the code to open the door so not only would you need the filename you would also need the code to unlock the door.

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hehe and just for the hell of it, once u inster ur USB, once the door opens it deletes the old key, and creates a new one?

very very dangerous if you forget to update... or if you lose your USB

What about a fingerprint or retina scanner? If you loose a finger or an eye, you will have bigger problems then getting into your home! :-)

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easly done my changing the desing for the RFID deadlock found here: http://www.rfidtoys.net/downloads/RFID_Access_Control.pdf (PDF Warning)

also if i could ever become a decient program (damn u C++!!!) it would be able to wired into a USB port.

(u dont know how much i wanna make just standard PC connected lock box outta this lol)

very very dangerous if you forget to update... or if you lose your USB

simply would over all have to make a work around, for the door it is a lot harder, since u wont be able to gain access to the PC, unless u set up a wireless network the VNC, or mirkov4, then use a PDA or Laptop, but then defeats the purpouse of the USB stick lol.

also would hate for a power failuer :S

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hehe yeah true moonlit, i was only looking at it becuase of the 5v. though looking over it, it seems that its not needed only t place voltage across the circuit, will trigger the lock to release.

Also by using the powerbolt 1000, it will give u the option of a code overide.

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I would recomend a fingerprint lock if your gonna try and do usb they arent horriably expensive considering the added convenience and never having to forget to lock the door.


The way your trying to approach it is just a standard usb port on a computer which is terriably insecure and someone can hackyour computer including your lock with a laptop by connnecting it to your usb port.

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hack your computer including your lock with a laptop by connnecting it to your usb port.

u sure? laptop connected to PC via USB?...

also it more for the fun of actualy making the product than just going out a buying one, were hackers its what we do. security comes second.

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I would recomend a fingerprint lock if your gonna try and do usb they arent horriably expensive considering the added convenience and never having to forget to lock the door.


The way your trying to approach it is just a standard usb port on a computer which is terriably insecure and someone can hackyour computer including your lock with a laptop by connnecting it to your usb port.

great idea but if you did not read the title its says USB Door Unlocker

so im sticking with usb flash drives[/b]

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one way to get security is to find a good USB drive with a hardware number.


"even worse pseudo code" its like its written in c / lisp / unix script lol I LOVE PARENTHASESe (sorry cant do code brackets


Check for USB; // find usb stick

if find USB(

Check for hardwareHASH; // check USB stick hardware hash

if find hardware hash(

md5hash -hardwarehash --S$f4td456gggf.txt -o special223.txt; // hash hardware hash with your key (S$f4td456gggf.txt: stored on inside computer.) and output special223.txt

md5hash -special223.txt --3344554.txt -o final.txt; //hash that with a key stored on USB output final.txt

if final.txt == masterkey.txt( //if the final key is equal to a master key on the inside system

unlock; //yay unlock


else blinkredlight; //if not true then blink a red light as an error


else blinkredlight; //again


else blinkredlight;



this hashes your stick with the come, the comp with your stick and compares that with the comp again so nobody can tamper with either end. it also requires the same USB drive each time

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