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Telephone area codes and prefixes database? For Wordlist generation


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I was hoping find a good list of possible US phone numbers. Back in the day I had a database of all of the cities, zip codes, area codes, prefixes etc, but I can't remember what it was called or where I got it from. Basically I was going to use all of the possible valid area codes and phone numbers for some NETGEARXX rainbow tables. But I really didn't want to generate a 102 GB wordlist when only a fraction of the words are going to be possible valid numbers.

Anybody know where I can find a file with valid area code and prefix information? Is it in one of the geolocation databases?


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./crunch 10 10 -t 206%%%%%%% -o /root/206.txt

206 Seattle Washington phone number area code.


Personal phone numbers and 1800-provider numbers are commonly used.


edit.. I didn't read the entire post.typically pipe the results to pyrite or hashcat instead of generating a file.

Edited by i8igmac
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On 10/7/2018 at 10:24 PM, i8igmac said:

./crunch 10 10 -t 206%%%%%%% -o /root/206.txt

This is pretty much what I'm doing.

Say there are 53 valid prefixes in Seattle. I would put those into prefixes.txt read through the list and call crunch with the area code and prefix. The wordlist it will generate is 530,000 lines rather than 10,000,000. The rainbow table takes 23 minutes to generate rather than 7 hours.


touch seattlenumbers.txt


cat /root/prefixes.txt | while read line; do


crunch 10 10 -t $NUMBER >> seattlenumbers.txt; done


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Kinda seems like the information would be out there already and readily available. It's weird, you used to be able to find this stuff easily. Seems there more websites there are the harder it is to find useful information.

your suggestion on scripting seems to be right course of action. Maybe something like this:



cat /root/Desktop/areacodes.txt | while read line; do


sleep 15
wget $URL; done

grep -o '([0-9]\{3\})[^\s][0-9]\{3\}' /root/Desktop/areacodes/ > areaprefix.txt


Edited by vailixi
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For whatever reason the text file I ended up with had some extra carriage return or newline characters and crunch was counting some of those as extra characters so crunch was throwing errors. So I wrote a quick python script to write out all of the digits.

import sys
l = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
for a in range(0, 9):
	for b in range(0, 9):
		for c in range(0, 9):
			for d in range(0, 9):
				with open("/root/Desktop/areacodes/one.txt") as f:
					for line in f:
						print i

It took about 11 minutes to generate the list. 1,090,503,810 lines and a little under 12GB which is about 11% of the 10,000,000,000 lines and 102 GB that crunch would have produced. At any rate generating a rainbow table that size would probably take months so splitting it into lists with local numbers then generating the tables would probably be the way to go. I'll put the list of up for download like with my other wordlists because it took a little bit of work to put together.

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On 10/9/2018 at 1:15 AM, vailixi said:

For whatever reason the text file I ended up with had some extra carriage return or newline characters and crunch was counting some of those as extra characters so crunch was throwing errors. So I wrote a quick python script to write out all of the digits.

import sys
l = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
for a in range(0, 9):
	for b in range(0, 9):
		for c in range(0, 9):
			for d in range(0, 9):
				with open("/root/Desktop/areacodes/one.txt") as f:
					for line in f:
						print i

It took about 11 minutes to generate the list. 1,090,503,810 lines and a little under 12GB which is about 11% of the 10,000,000,000 lines and 102 GB that crunch would have produced. At any rate generating a rainbow table that size would probably take months so splitting it into lists with local numbers then generating the tables would probably be the way to go. I'll put the list of up for download like with my other wordlists because it took a little bit of work to put together.

python permutation might be faster.


Here is how i do it in ruby

[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].permutation{|x| f.puts(x.join)}


Edit this one produces the correct results.

[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].repeated_permutation(6){|x| puts x.join}


Test the code with the link


I was looking at cuda libs for ruby to see if things can run quicker. You should check python for cuda libs.



Edited by i8igmac
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  • 5 years later...

Hi. This topic mentions prefix(s) but I see know inquiries about same. Here's my question.  I get hit with a phone number, last four are different, that reads (360) 206-5227.  360 is one of Washington States area codes. What I'm trying to confirm is this 206 prefix.  To my knowledge this isn't a good number. can anyone verify this for me, please? Thanks. 

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