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https error acme/autocert missing


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Hi @sweeper707,

When using the -https flag, you'll need to specify a DNS name inside of the -hostname argument.

The other thing you'll see from time to time is the TLS handshake errors or in general TLS errors. That's because you'll likely start being scanned by vulnerability scanners which try some common TLS vulnerabilities (none of which the server is affected by of course). 

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3 hours ago, Br@d said:

I'm running into a similar issue but I also get some additional info... is there any documentation around the let's encrypt process?



This is what I did but your is showing an i/o timeout issue.  So make sure all the below is correct.

  1. Get a Public IP such as ( for your server
  2. Get a public domain and point the dns record such as "cave.domain.com" to the IP
  3. Allow the DNS propagation to take plus I usually wait around 24 hours as Let's Encrypt DNS seems to be delayed a bit
  4. Ensure your servers firewall inbound rules allow "http (80) and https (443)" 
  5. run the server using the following syntax like    ./c2_community64 -hostname="cave.domain.com" -https


Edited: added last step #5.

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Recently buy WIFI Pineapple and configure c2 cloud community im facing below issue, please assist how to fix it.


root@srvDebian01:/home/dennis/tmp# ./c2-3.0.1_amd64_linux -hostname srvDebian01 -https
[*] Initializing Hak5 Cloud C2 v3.0.1
[*] Hostname: srvDebian01
[*] DB Path: c2.db
[*] First Start. Initializing...
[*] Initial Setup Required - Setup token: XXX - XXX -XXXX
2020/11/14 00:12:09 http: TLS handshake error from acme/autocert: missing server name
2020/11/14 00:12:09 http: TLS handshake error from acme/autocert: missing server name
2020/11/14 00:12:10 http: TLS handshake error from acme/autocert: missing server name

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Hi Chrizree,

Thank you very much, I really really appreciate your response.

Yes your correct I just tried to simulate/ install first on my local network first. Its fine if we can test on locally right?

I will try your suggestion , thank again for that information.


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