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Pineapple Nano 2.3.2 Broadcasting SSIDs only for a couple of minutes


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Hello, I don't know if I am missing something obvious but I have been working in an issue with my Nano, it start to broadcast the collected SSIDs but 2 minutes after it stops broadcasting, to start the broadcast again I have to go to the PineAP menu and disable the daemon, save setting, unselect all the options "Allow Associations" until "Broadcast SSID Pool" save settings, enable the daemon again, save settings and select againĀ all the options and save, and it works again only for 2 minutes. I have been looking in the forum but I can't find something to resolve the issue. I have tried factory resets and uninstall modules. Any help will be very appreciated. My best regards.

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Out of curiosity what is your use case for broadcasting all SSIDs? Broadcasting additional SSIDs comes with overhead and the best practices I've read recommend keeping it to 3-4 or less.

You can execute a Karma attack without publicly broadcasting all collected SSIDs, just enable "respond to beacons", "allow associations", and ensure your filter settings will allow the clients you want to capture.

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On 9/26/2018 at 9:36 PM, thor-vath said:

Out of curiosity what is your use case for broadcasting all SSIDs? Broadcasting additional SSIDs comes with overhead and the best practices I've read recommend keeping it to 3-4 or less.

You can execute a Karma attack without publicly broadcasting all collected SSIDs, just enable "respond to beacons", "allow associations", and ensure your filter settings will allow the clients you want to capture.

Hi, many thanks for your comments. The reason why I am asking is because in previous version the SSIDs broadcasting worked different, I remember that the broadcasting was continuous, but know it works only for a couple of minutes. Thinking on this, imagine that you are working in an assessment for offices inside a Mall, if you propagate continuously SSIDs regarding coffees, restaurants, etc. (catched in the Mall) to the people in the offices, you have more opportunity to trick them and catch their connections through SSIDs that maybe they don not have in their phones, this because you are propagating more SSIDs that appears as open networks (additional to the only open SSID that you can propagate configuring the Pineapple). Best regards.

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