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This was not my original script, it was created for OpenWRT operating systems, but it did not work on the Tetra by default. I simply made a fork and modified it for anyone who would like to switch to Oh My ZSH as their default SSH terminal vs busybox(ash). I know I wanted to ?!

Here is the quick copy and paste script:

opkg update && opkg install ca-certificates zsh curl git-http
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" 
sed -i -- 's:/bin/ash:/bin/zsh:g' /etc/passwd

Or view below..
 Gist Code

PS:  I do not own any other Pineapple models, so I can not tell you if it works for others.

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Posted (edited)

There seemed to be an error in the default theme for me. Tested in two separate SSH clients. It was duplicating commands after tab completion. After much research and no fixes working (setting locale LANG and LC_TYPE), I found that you could simply edit the robbyrussell.zsh-theme itself with the following to fix this issue:

local ret_status="%(?..:%{$fg_bold[green]%}➜ :%{$fg_bold[red]%}➜ )"

The modified code ( "?.." )  will remove the first two characters in which are being duplicated after you press tab.

Edited by MooreR

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