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The exact frequency

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I have my SDR and I'm looking to catch up an exact frequency. 

And i want to test my skills on a 433 frequency which i know that it's the same frequency that car's remote uses so i tried it on my father's car but i couldn't get so i searched again and knew that i must know the exact frequency of the remote for example 433.354 to capture the signal but i don't know how can i know the exact frequency of the remote so how can i do that ? 

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You can try looking up the model number in an FCC search (or i think there is an fcc number on it) if you are in the us or the device is also sold there.  That should give you the exact frequency.  Car remotes can be on a few different frequencies; mine is on or around 315MHz I think.  Either way if you are near that frequency you should be able to see something when it's actually transmitting (pushing a button) it's normally pretty quick but you should see something even if you don't know the exact frequency down to the decimal because they are normally bleeding through to other MHz.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I am using SDR dongle of NooElec NESDR Nano 2+ which is among the top models about RTL-SDR. It can be used for remote installations and can be compatible with Android and IOS. It works perfectly between the frequencies 25 MHz and 1750 MHz without any issues in the range.It comes with remote control and telephone antenna. The best part about SDR dongle is you switch over to any place, unlike ethernet cable. 

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FCCID search is a great starting place.  You could also "scan" the range you believe the remote to operate on.  Sometimes with low cost SDR dongles they will be off frequency by a little.  Just tune to the center of what you find the remote transmitting on.

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