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Code Execution while locked


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I know I could search for this, but being a bit lazy, apologies.  But are there any payloads that execute on target device while it is locked?  Or is there any way to make a payload execute on a locked device?



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12 hours ago, korang said:

I know I could search for this, but being a bit lazy, apologies.  But are there any payloads that execute on target device while it is locked?  Or is there any way to make a payload execute on a locked device?



Weeeeeell, if the thing your plugging in can independently run payloads on itself (e.g. Bash Bunny), then yes ? 

For example, it can still effect the locked machine's network connection by passing ethernet ?

There's a payload someone built that was meant to unlock machines by using the network technique but I've forgotten how it worked. Check below.



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