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Is it legal?? (Don't bother flaming.. I hate myspace too.)


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Well, this is ENTIRELY curiosity. So I'm not trying to conceal any n00bish stuff here like breaking into school networks.

So straight into the question. My dad's bringing me a laptop, which I will be using for my portfolio and my journalism classes. I do our layout design for the paper and write an article.

However. I just thought I could use the laptop to get on the schools wired network. Our admin however is a bit of an.... well, bluntly, an asshole in some senses. So I'm not going to bother going straight to him as he will just say "I'm busy and I don't have time to talk right now" or something of the like.

Question is: "Would it be legal to log on to my network from a computer that wasn't supplied by the school for internet usage only?"

... and, I just want an in general response as to if any part of this would be ABSOLUTELY illegal, not a "Read your AUP/TOS."

This is not a question of my schools rules but rather one of actual national/state(Kentucky) laws.

also COMPLETELY off topic lol but... whats the thing that Dade is wearing in the Grand Central Station scene in hackers (when they're hacking the Gibson). I doubt it does anything, just wanted to know if it was an actual product or a rather funny prop just for the movie.

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Would it be legal to log on to my network from a computer that wasn't supplied by the school for internet usage only?

Unless explicitly being allowed to do so, connecting to someone else's network is illegal. Here in .nl it's a crime comparable to trespassing.

So this still boils down to reading your AUP, as that will clear up wether you've been given explicit permission or not.

If that's too much of a burden for you, choose between "Default is no, so I won't do it" and "It's only illegal if you get caught".

Whats the thing that Dade is wearing in the Grand Central Station scene in hackers (when they're hacking the Gibson). I doubt it does anything, just wanted to know if it was an actual product or a rather funny prop just for the movie.

It's probably one of those 3D goggles they used to make back then. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a real product. I recall reading a review of such a pair of glasses and the reviewer called it "an expensive way to get a headache".

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I don't know about your school but at my collage we have singaage posted all over the place hay plug in here. and we have wireless all over the place exept it this one building thats realy not a build it's a lame ass trailer with briks on the out side.

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At our school they have 128 bit WEP on the wireless and on the wired a proxy that you have to connect to that checks the MAC address of the local machine against a list. Not that its hard to get past or anything.

There were some people that had brought the network to it's knees a few years ago and they would prefer not to have to relive that scenario.

As for your question, in most states it is the same as trespassing or breaking and entry. Unless it is unencrypted wireless. Then it fades into a legal gray zone unless there are hard laws against it.

To be safe and to keep your ass in school don't do anything that will draw attention. If you don't get caught then more power to you.

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My school has some wireless and it is all WEP encrypted but last time i checked the pass was the mascot :P

zomg i had one of those Tiger R Zone things :) It hurt my head and it was not much fun. I can't believe I did not realize what it was before, I had all ways wondered :D

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Good luck, If you are trying to get on the wired network you will need it. Most empty ports should be set to administratively down. And if you try and take a rj45 from another computer most school systems switches know the mac address of the macs they are connected to, and will deny you access. Also many networks have a list of all mac addresses allowed to access network. Getting into wireless will probably b close to impossible unless you have some serious brute forcing software. Good luck.

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