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Button Scripts - Lets see what you got!!!


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I'll start this out with what i've been having fun with this weekend.  

I want to shutdown pineap and dnsmasq so that I can start kismet on wlan0mon and besside-ng on wlan1mon.  Utilize every bit of hardware possible.

	install "screen" (opkg update && opkg install screen)
	install Zylla's aircrack.ipk update
	install Zylla's kismet.ipk

then insert this to the button script section under Configuration Tab

# Title:         Button Script
# Author:        b0n3z
# Version:       1.0
# Turns off PineAP so it doesnt interfere with kismet
# Start Kismet on wlan0mon
# Start besside-ng on wlan1mon
# all led off then back on confirms both programs have started

# Remove any previous logs from /root/
rm -r /root/besside/
rm -r /root/kismet/
led yellow off
sleep 1

# Make loot folders for both programs
mkdir /root/besside/
mkdir /root/kismet/
led yellow on

#Stop PineAP
pineap /tmp/pineap.conf karma off
pineap /tmp/pineap.conf capture_ssids off
pineap /tmp/pineap.conf beacon_responses off
led red off
sleep 2

# Start wlan0 monitor mode
airmon-ng start wlan0
sleep 3
led yellow off

# kill dnsmasq to save resources
killall dnsmasq
led blue off
sleep 2

#Start kismet with wlan0mon
/usr/sbin/screen -dmS kismet bash -c 'cd /root/kismet/; kismet -c wlan0mon'
led yellow on
sleep 1

#Start besside-ng with wlan1mon
/usr/sbin/screen -dmS besside-ng bash -c 'cd /root/besside/; besside-ng wlan1mon'
led red on
sleep 3

# Show Script is started!!!

led red off
led yellow off
led blue off
sleep 1
led yellow on
led blue on
led red on

exit 0

any suggestions or feedback on the script is always helpful.  This is one of my first bash scripts that does more than just updates my linuxbox lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is a simple script, the first click of the button lights the yellow LED and starts sending beacon frames for SSID and MAC addresses contained in a text file /root/ssid. A second click of the button stops the beacon framing and turns off the yellow LED.


opkg update
opkg install mdk3
echo "11:22:33:44:55:66 My_SSID" > /root/ssid

Then add this to the button script section:

if [ -f "$file" ]
        killall mdk3
        led YELLOW off
        rm -rf /tmp/beacon
        touch /tmp/beacon
        led YELLOW on
        mdk3 wlan1mon b -v /root/ssid -w -c &


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  • 2 months later...

Script to capture PMKID with hcxdumptool

First button press lights the yellow LED and starts listening for PMKIDs

Second button press stops listening, turns off the LED and moves the captured file to /root/random.pcapng

capture="`head -30 /dev/urandom | tr -dc "0123456789" | head -c3`"
if [ -f "$file" ]
        killall hcxdumptool
        led YELLOW off
        rm -rf /tmp/handshake
        hcxpcaptool -z test.16800 test.pcapng > test.conlog
        mv test.pcapng /root/$capture.pcapng
        mv test.16800 /root/$capture.16800
        mv test.conlog /root/$capture.conlog
        mv test.log /root/$capture.log

        touch /tmp/handshake
        led YELLOW on
        hcxdumptool -o test.pcapng -t 2 -i wlan1mon --enable_status=3 --disable_deauthentications --disable_disassociations > test.log &


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  • 3 years later...
On 8/31/2018 at 1:03 PM, PixL said:

Script to capture PMKID with hcxdumptool

First button press lights the yellow LED and starts listening for PMKIDs

Second button press stops listening, turns off the LED and moves the captured file to /root/random.pcapng

capture="`head -30 /dev/urandom | tr -dc "0123456789" | head -c3`"
if [ -f "$file" ]
        killall hcxdumptool
        led YELLOW off
        rm -rf /tmp/handshake
        hcxpcaptool -z test.16800 test.pcapng > test.conlog
        mv test.pcapng /root/$capture.pcapng
        mv test.16800 /root/$capture.16800
        mv test.conlog /root/$capture.conlog
        mv test.log /root/$capture.log

        touch /tmp/handshake
        led YELLOW on
        hcxdumptool -o test.pcapng -t 2 -i wlan1mon --enable_status=3 --disable_deauthentications --disable_disassociations > test.log &


This doesn't work because apparently --disable_deauthentications and --disable_disassociations have been deprecated. Use --disable_client_attacks and --disable_ap_attacks instead. 

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