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Open AP over shared Internet Win10


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Hi guys.

I can not access the Internet for an open access point wlan0.
So I use wlan1 for accessing the internet. Because of this I do not have the ability to scan the network.

It is interesting that: The access point Pineapple_XXX works through the shared Internet well until the account is set up (password for Management AP ...).
I tried various options, including those described in the guide. Perhaps there is some secret that I do not know? :)


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I added another adapter to ensure the Internet connection lasted to the clients. Clients connected, and there's no sense in it, because the modules do not work?

The packing box of the goods was very beautiful - so far this is the most interesting :)))

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Next Step:)

I managed to launch the tcpdump module, which I installed on the SD card. But I had to manually create the /sd/modules/tcpdump/dump directory, otherwise it would not work. I also managed to run the DWall module.

Well now I'm a real Man in the middle :)  But still not very cool, because a lot of encrypted traffic.

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Next Step:)

I managed to launch the Site Survey module, which I installed on the SD card. But I needed to fix the file capture.sh

old:   58.  airodump-ng -c ${CHANNEL} --bssid ${BSSID} -w /pineapple/modules/SiteSurvey/capture/capture_${MYTIME} ${MYMONITOR} &> /dev/null &

new:  58.  airodump-ng -c ${CHANNEL} --bssid ${BSSID} -w /sd/modules/SiteSurvey/capture/capture_${MYTIME} ${MYMONITOR} &> /dev/null &

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Wow! there was a miracle.

The problem with sharing the Internet was in the parameters of sharing network profiles. I like this picture very much:)))

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 br-lan     *        U     0      0        0 br-lan

But the "Update Route" command spoils all beauty.

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface     *        U     0      0        0 br-lan

You will have to reboot your NANO.

Conclusion:    Button "Update Route"  - it sucks:))))


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