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New Nano user - MAC OUI issue and PineAP Log Probes etc missing


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Hi everyone,

I just got my first Nano and finished the setup. So far I have used airodump-ng etc. as part of my Kali setup, now I try to get familiar with the Nano. I am trying not to ask some obvious things. Currently, I am mainly reading through the wiki.

However, there are two things right now I don't really get. 

I was playing with the Recon feature and downloaded the OUI file. However, every mac address is still displayed as "unknown mac prefix". What is it that I am missing here? Can the file be re-downloaded?

Another thing is that the wiki talks about Log Probes and Log Associations (https://wifipineapple.github.io/wifipineapple-wiki//#!management.md).

I would assume that this can be enabled through the web interface under PineAP. But either I am totally blind or I am missing something. 


Really appreciate any hint into the right direction.








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