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Pineapples With Kismet Web Inerface?

The Power Company

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Hey guys,
So I have been playing around with the newish web interface for Kismet and it is pretty great. I've just been using the standard wireless cards plugged into USB, however, when Darkmatter did his wifi cactus build, he used a bunch of pineapples connected to one pc using ethernet cables and hubs. Does anyone know if this method of interfacing with pineapples is available to the public yet? And if so, how to do it? I know I could just run Kismet on the pineapple itself, but then I won't get that shiny new web interface...


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1 hour ago, The Power Company said:

 Does anyone know if this method of interfacing with pineapples is available to the public yet? And if so, how to do it? I know I could just run Kismet on the pineapple itself, but then I won't get that shiny new web interface...


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4 hours ago, The Power Company said:

Sweet, not sure how I missed that. Thanks!

No worries, i tried to compile it earlier but i got "recipe for target 'world' failed" among other errors so if you get it working let me know if you had the same and if you gor around it. I will keep chipping away at it in the mean time.

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6 hours ago, Just_a_User said:

No worries, i tried to compile it earlier but i got "recipe for target 'world' failed" among other errors so if you get it working let me know if you had the same and if you gor around it. I will keep chipping away at it in the mean time.

I was going to try and compile for tetra but the openwrt repo for the tetra was no where to be found so I gave up before I ever started

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3 minutes ago, b0N3z said:

I was going to try and compile for tetra but the openwrt repo for the tetra was no where to be found so I gave up before I ever started

I read the github and it says "you should be able to base off the OpenWRT master branch" then they provide this git https://git.openwrt.org/15.05/openwrt.git openwrt-cc-tetra

I think my errors are coming from 1) using ubuntu 17 and it warns against that. 2) something in the patches,. 3) im missing a step  - my money is on all 3 :)

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6 minutes ago, elkentaro said:

I've been told the git-master has been updated and should work now on building on Ubuntu. 

 145 files changed, 2255 insertions(+), 2371 deletions(-)

Giving it another go, im not hopeful on Ubuntu 17 but will go through the motions. thanks for advising of update!

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46 minutes ago, The Power Company said:

I've gotten the web interface working on Ubuntu 17  but I haven't tried configuring it for pineapples yet.

ah yeah im trying to compile it for tetra on ubuntu 17 just to try. I follow the guide (ish) but if i use the patch suggested for python i cant run make menuconfig, so left the old one in an it runs so can continue the guide, next the pearl patch seems to mess things up so moved on without it. I keep seeing 3x fatal: "No tags can describe"  sha number. Not sure  what that is about.

make returns me a

make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s to see what's going on
/home/username/gits/openwrt-cc-tetra/include/toplevel.mk:181: recipe for target 'world' failed
make: *** [world] Error 1

so i run make  -j1 V=s and oh man... loads of errors lol so, for now i leave it. Maybe @Zylla could compile it if he has a moment? :)

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1 hour ago, Just_a_User said:

ah yeah im trying to compile it for tetra on ubuntu 17 just to try. I follow the guide (ish) but if i use the patch suggested for python i cant run make menuconfig, so left the old one in an it runs so can continue the guide, next the pearl patch seems to mess things up so moved on without it. I keep seeing 3x fatal: "No tags can describe"  sha number. Not sure  what that is about.

make returns me a

make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s to see what's going on
/home/username/gits/openwrt-cc-tetra/include/toplevel.mk:181: recipe for target 'world' failed
make: *** [world] Error 1

so i run make  -j1 V=s and oh man... loads of errors lol so, for now i leave it. Maybe @Zylla could compile it if he has a moment? :)

Kismet? I'm working on it already. :D
Just been a bit busy lately. Just started moving from our old house to a smaller apartment. Jeeez, so much stress with moving....
Back to topic: i'll see what i can pull out of my magic bunny-hat! ;)

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12 hours ago, Zylla said:

Kismet? I'm working on it already. :D
Just been a bit busy lately. Just started moving from our old house to a smaller apartment. Jeeez, so much stress with moving....
Back to topic: i'll see what i can pull out of my magic bunny-hat! ;)

Unpacking boxes first! ;)

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If you have a previous download/git , make sure you delete the src files from /openwrt/package/network and the /openwrt-master-whatever/dl/kismet-tetra-2017git-HEAD.tar.gz file.  

Seems I could compile kismet , but it crapped out for some other packages, that I don't think are necessary , but I will hunt down the error later.

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Yea the so the trick is to not to install it to the internal storage , but the sd card.  The Nano has very limited internal storage.

 So dont copy it to the internal storage but the external storage, then link all the files required locally to the external sd card , change the root_overlay in opkg.conf to the sd card etc etc.

Basically just manually going through the launch process of kismet and making sure it can get to the files it expects to be local but in reality are on the external sd card.


writeup done: https://medium.com/@elkentaro/nano-kismet-kismet-on-a-wifi-pineapple-nano-305865216dee

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I'm also struggling a bit compiling the latest HEAD version of Kismet at the moment. Not nailed down the exact issue yet.
But if you want Kismet with web-interface then you can go like this:

Download: https://www.kismetwireless.net/code/kismet-openwrt-tetra.tar.gz
Extract all the IPK files inside, and send them to your Pineapple.
NOW, If you want to use each and every file inside here as served, you will need to downgrade some stuff, which may cause issues with other stuff.
OR you could not downgrade some stuff (like libpcap) and instead symlink the file you already have to the file that Kismet wants. (fooling it a bit)

So installation procedure:

opkg install --force-checksum --force-downgrade *.ipk

rm libpcap_1.5.3-1_ar71xx.ipk
opkg install --force-checksum --force-downgrade *.ipk
ln -s /usr/lib/libpcap.so /usr/lib/libpcap.so.1.3
ln -s /usr/lib/libpcap.so /usr/lib/libpcap.so.1.3.0

(IF you're using a NANO. Remember to add "--dest sd" to every "opkg install" line, to use the sd-card, and not the internal memory)

Then, the creator have somehow misnamed a directory. Quick fix with this command:
mv /etc/kismet/http_data /etc/kismet/httpd

Don't forget to edit: /etc/kismet/kismet.conf   and maybe /etc/kismet/kismet_httpd.conf

Launch kismet and browse to: http://pineapple-ip-address:2501
Vòila! :)

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