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Poorboys Tech Episode 1


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I liked it. I dont have an xbox though so almost worthless info to me. I especially enjoyed that you showed how to do it under LINUX instead of WINDOWS. Keep that kind of work up.. The info on torrentflux was useful to me though.

When does poorboys come out? Are you going to keep doing poorboys tech?

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i like it , .... :D lil more info on different front ends and flashing the exbox wud've been handy tho :D

The problem is that there are a *LOT* of IPTV shows that already showed you this. Off the top of my head Systm, StepONE and The Glitch.

It's kinda like the whole wardriving thing. It's already been beaten to death by most other shows out there. Either show that you're doing something cool with it, or don't bother and refer the viewer to some such shows.

As for this show, I thought it was pretty good, though I would've preferred to see a little scripting being done before the recording starts. A lot of shows tend to suffer from this though. I was also a bit surprised that a modded XBox would be used for something called poorboys. A PC is a necessity in my world, an XBox is not. I'm too lazy to check EBay, but I'd expect a modded XBox to set you back a good 100-150 bucks.

TorrentFlux was new to me. It's a slick PHP frontend to BitTornado which I was already using. Looks nice enough to give a go.

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Well, there is a difference Cooper in going out to eBay and buying a suped up Xbox and using one you got as a gift a few years back. he didn't say that their box had some big drive in it so really the chip is like 30 bucks, so the total cost is roughly 30 bucks for the project.

it seems everyone and their mother has an old Xbox these days. I these Xboxes will fall into the same category as opinions and butt-holes. Everyone will have one. :wink:

I don't remember The Glitch doing a segment like that. I do remember as software mod segment though. Is that what you are referring to?

I like the Poor Boys' approach. The segment done on Systm was great but the cost of the project was 300-500 dollars depending on the components. Putting together a Myth box is my preferred way to do this but sometimes a $30 fix is just too good to pass up. :D

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This is really an alternative use for an xbox you might already have. It may not apply to everyone, its just something I wanted to share with people. Coming out with something new and exclusive isnt easy to do. Systm hasnt done it since the warviewing box. Thanks for the positive feedback though, i will be sure to keep it in mind in the next few episodes.

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I liked it a lot actually.

Unfortunately, I, too am xboxless so i agree with a lot of what degoba said.

torrentflux was interesting tho

(just to add to the list, thebroken also gave a lil info on xbox modding in one of the eps)

Anyways, good job, I would love to see more PBT eps in the near future! :)

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I am xboxless. But I shall download this IPTV show and add it to my bookmarks. Now I will have 7 days of podcasts/iptv. Woot.

Edit: wow! The samba thing is exactly what I've wanted to do. I have a samba share. Time for torrentflux.

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Decent episode, lots of info. You should have mentioned you dont need an xbox to pull the videos off, and can use a windows box as well. Its somthing we all know, but im sure there was a few kids out there saying "damn, which i had a modded Xbox!"

Cant waint till the next release!

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