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Either Im dump or the dumpest !! I've succesfully upgrade to firmware 1.5. Install all the required tools loke responder from here https://github.com/qdba/MyBashBunny/blob/master/tools/responder_2.3.3.6-2.deb

and put the deb file into the tolls folder unplugged safaly the BB I did like this for all third party tools !

I saw the LANGUAGGE.conf file and put it on "es" or "it" sometimes,  is that enough to make all payloads work ??? or should I put   DUCKY_LANG es  as well after the attack mode ????

Anyways NONE of the Payloads Works either on win 7 8 10 , Linux Debian or Kali !!!  Can somebody tell me what I do wrong please !!???

The only think i get is the creation of the folder in the Loot folder but always empty apart from one that is DumpCred I think but the most important file is empty !!

I thanks everyone who could help me !! I spent hours trying to understand and simce like Im doing it right but still no results its frustraiting !!


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it looksl ike he is actually using the wifipass payload.  Not Quickcreds.  I sense a language issue here.  You have a lot of weird characters being inserted into the ducky string commands.  Make sure the proper language is used for the victim's keyboard language type.

in the config.txt in the root on the BB folder change the DUCKY_LANG us to be DUCKY_LANG yourlanguage.

In the language folder it shows all the languages currently supported.

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