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Mac foreign keyboard mystery solved ?


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I see lots of unanswered questions about layouts and foreign languages for mac os: 

And close to zero support nor answers, nor anything in fact, so here's my take on it since I spent quite some time getting it worked !

There is this thread to bypass the keyboard assistant, well this is half the solution in fact.

You need to get the PID of the right layout AND have the correct json.


So for instance, to have working payloads on a french mac, you'll need that fr-mc.json AND use 



   "__comment":  "All numbers here are in hex format and 0x is ignored.",
   "__comment":  " ",
   "__comment":  "This list is in ascending order of 3rd byte (HID Usage ID).",
   "__comment":  "  See section 10 Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)",
   "__comment":  "  of document USB HID Usage Tables Version 1.12.",
   "__comment":  " ",
   "__comment":  "Definition of these 3 bytes can be found",
   "__comment":  "  in section B.1 Protocol 1 (Keyboard)",
   "__comment":  "  of document Device Class Definition for HID Version 1.11",
   "__comment":  "  - byte 1: Modifier keys",
   "__comment":  "  - byte 2: Reserved",
   "__comment":  "  - byte 3: Keycode 1",
   "__comment":  " ",
   "__comment":  "Both documents can be obtained from link here",
   "__comment":  "  http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/",
   "__comment":  " ",
   "__comment":  "A = LeftShift + a, { = LeftShift + [",
   "__comment":  " ",
   "CTRL":       "01,00,00",
   "CONTROL":    "01,00,00",
   "SHIFT":      "02,00,00",
   "ALT":        "04,00,00",
   "GUI":        "08,00,00",
   "WINDOWS":    "08,00,00",
   "CTRL-ALT":   "05,00,00",
   "CTRL-SHIFT": "03,00,00",
   "ALT-SHIFT":  "06,00,00",
   "__comment":             "Below 5 key combinations are for Mac OSX",
   "__comment":             "Example: (COMMAND-OPTION SHIFT t) to open terminal",
   "COMMAND":               "08,00,00",
   "COMMAND-CTRL":          "09,00,00",
   "COMMAND-CTRL-SHIFT":    "0B,00,00",
   "COMMAND-OPTION":        "0C,00,00",
   "COMMAND-OPTION-SHIFT":  "0E,00,00",
   "q":          "00,00,04",
   "Q":          "02,00,04",
   "b":          "00,00,05",
   "B":          "02,00,05",
   "c":          "00,00,06",
   "C":          "02,00,06",
   "d":          "00,00,07",
   "D":          "02,00,07",
   "e":          "00,00,08",
   "E":          "02,00,08",
   "f":          "00,00,09",
   "F":          "02,00,09",
   "g":          "00,00,0a",
   "G":          "02,00,0a",
   "h":          "00,00,0b",
   "H":          "02,00,0b",
   "i":          "00,00,0c",
   "I":          "02,00,0c",
   "j":          "00,00,0d",
   "J":          "02,00,0d",
   "k":          "00,00,0e",
   "K":          "02,00,0e",
   "l":          "00,00,0f",
   "L":          "02,00,0f",
   ",":          "00,00,10",
   "?":          "02,00,10",
   "n":          "00,00,11",
   "N":          "02,00,11",
   "~":          "04,00,11",
   "o":          "00,00,12",
   "O":          "02,00,12",
   "p":          "00,00,13",
   "P":          "02,00,13",
   "a":          "00,00,14",
   "A":          "02,00,14",
   "r":          "00,00,15",
   "R":          "02,00,15",
   "s":          "00,00,16",
   "S":          "02,00,16",
   "t":          "00,00,17",
   "T":          "02,00,17",
   "u":          "00,00,18",
   "U":          "02,00,18",
   "v":          "00,00,19",
   "V":          "02,00,19",
   "z":          "00,00,1a",
   "Z":          "02,00,1a",
   "x":          "00,00,1b",
   "X":          "02,00,1b",
   "y":          "00,00,1c",
   "Y":          "02,00,1c",
   "w":          "00,00,1d",
   "W":          "02,00,1d",
   "&":          "00,00,1e",
   "1":          "02,00,1e",
   "é":          "00,00,1f",
   "2":          "02,00,1f",
   "\"":          "00,00,20",
   "3":          "02,00,20",
   "'":          "00,00,21",
   "4":          "02,00,21",
   "(":          "00,00,22",
   "5":          "02,00,22",
   "§":          "00,00,23",
   "6":          "02,00,23",
   "è":          "00,00,24",
   "7":          "02,00,24",
   "!":          "00,00,25",
   "8":          "02,00,25",
   "ç":          "00,00,26",
   "9":          "02,00,26",
   "à":          "00,00,27",
   "0":          "02,00,27",
   "ENTER":      "00,00,28",
   "ESC":        "00,00,29",
   "ESCAPE":     "00,00,29",
   "BACKSPACE":  "00,00,2a",
   "TAB":        "00,00,2b",
   "ALT-TAB":    "04,00,2b",
   "SPACE":      "00,00,2c",
   " ":          "00,00,2c",
   ")":          "00,00,2d",
   "°":          "02,00,2d",
   "-":          "00,00,2e",
   "_":          "02,00,2e",
   "^":          "00,00,2f",
   "¨":          "02,00,2f",
   "$":          "00,00,30",
   "*":          "02,00,30",
   "`":         "00,00,31",
   "£":          "02,00,31",
   "m":          "00,00,33",
   "M":          "02,00,33",
   "ù":          "00,00,34",
   "%":         "02,00,34",
   "<":          "00,00,64",
   ">":          "02,00,64",
   ";":          "00,00,36",
   ".":          "02,00,36",
   ":":          "00,00,37",
   "/":          "02,00,37",
   "=":          "00,00,38",
   "+":          "02,00,38",
   "CAPSLOCK":   "00,00,39",
   "F1":         "00,00,3a",
   "F2":         "00,00,3b",
   "F3":         "00,00,3c",
   "F4":         "00,00,3d",
   "F5":         "00,00,3e",
   "F6":         "00,00,3f",
   "F7":         "00,00,40",
   "F8":         "00,00,41",
   "F9":         "00,00,42",
   "F10":        "00,00,43",
   "F11":        "00,00,44",
   "F12":        "00,00,45",
   "SCROLLLOCK": "00,00,47",
   "PAUSE":      "00,00,48",
   "BREAK":      "00,00,48",
   "INSERT":     "00,00,49",
   "HOME":       "00,00,4a",
   "PAGEUP":     "00,00,4b",
   "DELETE":     "00,00,4c",
   "DEL":        "00,00,4c",
   "END":        "00,00,4d",
   "PAGEDOWN":   "00,00,4e",
   "RIGHTARROW": "00,00,4f",
   "RIGHT":      "00,00,4f",
   "LEFTARROW":  "00,00,50",
   "LEFT":       "00,00,50",
   "DOWNARROW":  "00,00,51",
   "DOWN":       "00,00,51",
   "UPARROW":    "00,00,52",
   "UP":         "00,00,52",
   "NUMLOCK":    "00,00,53",
   "MENU":       "00,00,65",
   "APP":        "00,00,65"



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