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GitHub Noob - How to "Help"


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Sadly, I'm new to GitHub so while browsing the payloads, I came across "InfiniteControl".  I have an "improvement" I'd like to offer, but am not savvy in the appropriate GitHub methods.  Can anyone provide some guidance?  I have plenty of coding experience including 'git'...just not GitHub.




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I suppose the more intelligent question would be: do I need to fork the entire BashBunny-Payloads project to make the change and submit the pull request?  Is there a way to just send a message to the author with the suggestion?


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You could fork the repository or set upstream 

I'd fork the repository and then clone on my local machine 

Make your changes and push to your forked repository

Make a pull request if you're okay with your changes and the owner will review your changes.


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1 hour ago, kbeflo said:

You could fork the repository or set upstream 

I'd fork the repository and then clone on my local machine 

Make your changes and push to your forked repository

Make a pull request if you're okay with your changes and the owner will review your changes.


So fork the entire bashbunny-payloads?  Seems extreme just to tweak a single payload.txt, but Ok.  Thanks for the info!


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