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Tools missing after reboot arming mode


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 I'm having a problem with the BB and just want to know if I'm the problem or if there are more people with the same issue.

 I got the BB a few days ago, and I'm trying to use the PasswordGraber. I managed to get it working, but everytime I reboot in Arming Mode (or disconnect and re-connet) , the "tools" folder gets empty, and with that, I`m losing the lazaGne.exe, so everytime I want it to work I need to copy the .exe back to the "tools" folder.

 Thanks, and hope I can find some help.

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Read step 2 of 'Configuration' in this link:

He makes it a bit confusing by saying to put it in the tools folder, but then he says..


The payload folder should contain all the files that are in this payload and the LaZagne.exe.

So try putting them all in the payload folder (the switch folder).

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I've tried this a few times with two configurations of the folders, in the first  I got in the payload folder (switch 1) the following files: laZagne.exe, payload.ps1, payload.txt (nothing in the "tools" folder) with this, it creates one empty file with the name "password_NAME.txt". The second configuration, the payload folder is exactly the same, but I added laZagne.exe in the "tools" folder, and with that, the BB creates a new file "password_NAME1.txt" with the actual passwords.

I would like to know if there is a way for not losing the laZagne.exe (in the "tools") everytime the BB gets unpluged, because it seem only to work with laZagne.exe in the "tools" folder.

 Thanks for you time!

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11 minutes ago, dafdaniel said:

I would like to know if there is a way for not losing the laZagne.exe (in the "tools") everytime the BB gets unpluged, because it seem only to work with laZagne.exe in the "tools" folder.

 Thanks for you time!

Okay, first I'll explain why it's disappearing - the tools folder is (primarily, it seems) used for installing tools, so anything that's put in there is treated as a tool. Every bootup the BB cleans that folder because it's finished installing them (supposedly - though it can't install an .exe).

So anyway, what you can do is change the location of the laZagne.exe - maybe even in the loot folder? Put it there and then go to the payload.ps1 file and change line 4 from this:

Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath ((Get-WmiObject win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'tools\laZagne.exe') -ArgumentList 'all -vv' -RedirectStandardOutput ($dest +'\' + $filter +'_' + $filecount +'.txt')

To this:

Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath ((Get-WmiObject win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'loot\laZagne.exe') -ArgumentList 'all -vv' -RedirectStandardOutput ($dest +'\' + $filter +'_' + $filecount +'.txt')

It's just changing the location of the laZagne.exe.

Keep in mind the loot folder needs to exist to put it there too.. :)

That's no problem, it's what the forums are for and what I'm here for (primarily here for learning, secondarily here for helping those with my inferior answers).

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