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git clone


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um this is embarassing but i cant find out how to install git on my nano( can't git clone). i tried: opkg install git -d sd

opkg install git-http -d sd

even https. (im getting unknown package)

 what's the command?

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1 hour ago, Rinilyn said:

opk not found

just add the 'g' :) -   'opkg update && opkg install git git-http'

In your screen shot you show your issue. - you must update the package lists before installing anything by running 'opkg update'

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okay. theres this issue when its installing and using cat or grep, its not looking at the sd directory. its going to root and is giving something like:

 grep '/usr/lib/opkg/info/git.control 

or cat: can't open '/usr/lib/opkg/info/git-http.list': No such file or directory. 

Its looking at the wrong path and when i manually try to type  grep /sd/usr/lib/opkg/info/git.control  it gets stuck.

can i somehow fix this path issue? still cant get git or anything to install



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29 minutes ago, Rinilyn said:

can i somehow fix this path issue? still cant get git or anything to install

It just needs linking.

ln -s /sd/usr/bin/git /usr/bin/git
ln -s /sd/usr/bin/git-shell /usr/bin/git-shell
ln -s /sd/usr/bin/git-upload-pack /usr/bin/git-upload-pack
ln -s /sd/usr/bin/git-upload-archive /usr/bin/git-upload-archive
ln -s /sd/usr/bin/git-receive-pack /usr/bin/git-receive-pack


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9 hours ago, Rinilyn said:

 help here please,sorry for the trouble

It used to work without issue, I suspect something with ssl - to bypass the issue for now replace your link "https://" with "git://".

I will have a further look when I get a moment. - maybe someone else has already looked at it or solved it. Think it works OK on my tetra so im thinking its just files in wrong folders or similar.

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