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Nano PineAP All My Issues


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Issue 1:My nano has issues with Deauth ( from recon) sometimes to doesn't deauth targets.

Issue 2: When starting PineAP phones can rarely connect to it. IOS phones give the Unable to Connect To Network error. This happens 90% of times

Issue 3: The scan issue being stuck at 100%. i understand its because of some error reading some beacons but i thought seb fixed it in firmware 2.0.2

Issue 4: After enabling PineAP and using it with sometime(broadcasting my pool and scanning and Deauth..) it crashes way too often which i believe is because the nano is unable to handle too much?

i tried in configuration to reset firmware,it's not a power issue since im using the Pineapple juice or pc power..i don't know whats wrong. i just always end up being stuck in one of the above and i can;t achieve anything. how common are my issues?

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try using site survey (i think it was called) instead of recon, works the same with more options, make sure filters are set up correctly either set to deny or allow (if allow specify macs)

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7 minutes ago, Rinilyn said:

Issue 1:My nano has issues with Deauth ( from recon) sometimes to doesn't deauth targets.

If you have a 3rd radio you can run horst on the nano, with horst's stats you can see deauth packet count. At least you can see the deauth packets going out. Different devices, auto switching  2.4 and 5.8ghz, range and positioning of devices and router, interference... many variables.

8 minutes ago, Rinilyn said:

Issue 2: When starting PineAP phones can rarely connect to it. IOS phones give the Unable to Connect To Network error. This happens 90% of times

IOS devices test the network almost immediately, if there is no Internet they will often stay on data. My android also does this unless i disable a specific setting. Make sure the nano is online for best results. Also like hackabus says, Check filters are set correctly.

8 minutes ago, Rinilyn said:

Issue 3: The scan issue being stuck at 100%. i understand its because of some error reading some beacons but i thought seb fixed it in firmware 2.0.2

I have had this a couple of times, I haven't been able yet to pin it down to a specific cause.  I keep testing and trying things but its really not often for me, last one was days ago and its mostly been up since then.

9 minutes ago, Rinilyn said:

Issue 4: After enabling PineAP and using it with sometime(broadcasting my pool and scanning and Deauth..) it crashes way too often which i believe is because the nano is unable to handle too much?

Are you using an SD card? Maybe power? mines been up for 23 hours and is staying up so far with auto recon scans pineAP enabled and ssid harvesting. I'm also running htop and horst via 2x SSH sessions. its doing very well. Granted I only have a few old phones so it only usually has 2-3 clients at once.

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i have the third ratio,my nano is online for sure. hackabus fixed issues 1 and 3.  about issue 2,its not just IOS,when ios give the error,android ignore the network and refuse to connect to it. my third ratio is configured in NETWORKING and is connected to my home network. issue 3 as seb mentioned is something about some kind of beacons not processed correctly or something like that. i read that somewhere forgot where. yes im using an sd card but its some cheap one(cost me like 10$ 16GB). i think it might be about power but it shouldn't! i bought the nano tactical elite with the given Pineapp juice. i would never run my nano for more than 20min if its doing recon and PineAP..it would overheat and crash by then.

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hmm strange one, ive had issues with ios devices connecting but never android, just a thought, im guessing its the free network your setting up to get the connection from android and ios, try this go into your android and ios wifi settings and forget all connections for known wifi, including your home networks etc, then fire up the nano and try to connect to the free wifi, i have had an issue like this and it was due to ariel power, my phone would always forfit my nano connection amd connect to my home wifi as it was a known network with more power

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Hey hackabus thank you so much i already fixed everything with both your help. My only issue is the nano crashes now (freezes)which im sure ill find a way to fix. Thank you again and thanks for help us newbies

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8 hours ago, Rinilyn said:

Hey hackabus thank you so much i already fixed everything with both your help. My only issue is the nano crashes now (freezes)which im sure ill find a way to fix. Thank you again and thanks for help us newbies

im still new to this myself mate :) learning as i go, good luck

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