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Responder - dependency not available


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Trying to load responder has brought up a dependency issue.  When it is invoked responder wants to load Git, but it is no longer available at the path that is being called by opkg.

   root@turtle:/etc/turtle/modules# opkg update > /dev/null && opkg install git
   Collected errors:
    * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/oldpackages/Packages.gz, wget returned 8.
    * opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_calmer/15.05.1/ar71xx/generic/packages/oldpackages/Packages.sig, wget returned 8.

Browsing the path being called, there does not appear to be an oldpackages directory on the server any longer.

Is there another way to get the dependency satisfied that won't break other things ?

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Thanks @fabrice the alternate path did allow the Git dependency to be downloaded, sadly that just ran me into the issue others have reported where the file system isn't big enough to accommodate the dependency and package and it fails.

Anyone have some good instructions on how to get Responder/Quick Creds to work on the Turtle ?

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