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rpi3 AP kills eth0


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So I have followed multiple guides on making a Rpi access point and Ive done it before no hiccups.  The only difference this time is that im using raspbian lite instead of the full desktop.  Everytime I get the AP setup and do a reboot it kills eth0 with an error message on boot saying dhcp error.  Im puzzled because its an AP and I would still like access via eth0 so that I can ssh while at home and install or update anything needed.  Has anybody else had this problem lately?

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any kinds of clues on the logs anywhere, dmesg or syslog, boot logs? Could try adding a startup script that purposely also kills and starts the network card and does a DHCP request. I do this in Kali on my VM's as they don't always work the way I need, but I use static IP addressing, where I find dhcp can be wonky and have issues when an address is already in use but used it previously and didn't clear them on the local machine, so I delete them with a script, and paste back in static info, and then shutdown the network manager. Probably not the best way, and I'm sure I'm doing 100 things backwards in not tracking down and fixing the real issue, but it gets shit done, like also forcing the screen size that doesn't exist in the VM to force my resolution to what I need, which works.




one thing i just thought of that I've had happen, is when you previously had an eth0 connection, but on reboot, the nic doesn't use this naming convention, and switches to the bios naming convention like espl01 type shit, there is something you can append to the kernel line on boot, to force the older naming convention for the nic so on boot, dhcp will work(if that is, the case with your device, as I've had that happen to me personally). I think you add 

net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0

on the boot line of grub.

Edited by digip
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@digip  I got really frustrated and started over.  I was using Sept release of raspbian, I downloaded the Nov release and tried it again.  After switching to Nov release and made the AP, everything works great now.  IDK what the problem was as eth0 would show up with ifconfig -a.  The only thing I can think of is that it used udhcpd (i think thats the name) instead of the /etc/network/interface config as my interface config file was blank of any network devices. 

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