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WiMonitor + Packet Squirrel


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Aloha! Can I use WiMonitor (Wi-Fi packet sniffing and network monitoring tool who captures packets and sends them to a remote IP address over Ethernet for further processing), with Packet Squirrel to save catched data to pcap files?

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Yes. Basically WiMonitor is a TP-Link MR3020 portable router flashed with custom OpenWRT ROM. So this gadget can capture wireless packets and send them to your PC through Ethernet port for later analysis... but this is very obvious because you need to have a laptop with an open wireshark... So the question is, is it possible technically these packs to be recorded on the PS?

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Excluding the portable router..... I wonder if you can, put the PS on an internal network. Enable WiFi monitor mode and use VPN client mode to stream the WiFi packets to the external VPN server.

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2 minutes ago, optybg said:

I think it cant save it to USB. It capture packets and then forward the packets to remote IP over Ethernet cable...

It is possible...

im running openwrt with Aircrack-ng and saving packets to a thumb drive! Hell I can even send them via the LAN!

By the time you have added a PS, router, power it’s not going to be so covert. 

What you are proposing can all be done on your router. Adding the PS is just adding an unnecessary step, just for the sake of it.

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1 hour ago, optybg said:

elkentarobiob Thanks for the info, I'm an absolutely rookie on the internet security :)

biob what version of openwrt you are using with your TL-MR3020

After updating PS's firmware to 1.1, we will be able to use the Square with WiFi Pineapple along with some cool modules?


Sorry, i’m not using a MR3020. I’m using a MT300A. An then using SSH to configure it  e.g setup monitor mode, mount thumb drive and then run Airodump-ng from the root of the thumb drive.But the same could be done using tcpdump as mentioned above. You can install by using opkg.

what custom firmware are you using?  Are you only using the Web interface to configure the router?

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