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irc.hak5.org blacklist


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I would like to join the channel on irc.hak5.org, but, as I found out, the irc server rejects me 'cause I run this TOR server.

My question is: Could you guys of Hak5 remove the TOR nodes from the blacklist, if not possible, just my TOR node?

Thanks in advance,


i cant answer that but i just wanted to say i really appreciate and respec u running a tor server :D

- grts DLSS , Belgium

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I'm afraid not, Tor and other known proxies are banned for a reason and to make an exception for one would suggest that we're willing to make an exception for all.

Tor (as I'm sure you know since you're running your own server) is potentially a very large opening for IRC abuse and as such the decision was made to ban all known Tor servers from Hak5IRC.

Thank you for your interest in Hak5IRC and welcome to the community but I'm afraid you'll have to connect another way.

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Well, that's just too bad for me I guess :(, have to work around it then.

What I would like to stress is that TOR, apart from attrackting its share of jerks (small percentage), also provides some great service against the so called 'security measures against terrorism', which in fact are just policies to gain more and more private information about individuals.

Anyway, there are currently 235 TOR nodes in a exit configuration online, so the 'problem' is relatively small compared to the tens of thousands 'normal' open proxies.



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I do have to kinda agree there, the wankers will tend to go for more open proxies, and Tor is a fairly small one mainly used by dissidents. But on the other hand, amongst geeks its fairly well known. Have we had much trouble with TOR in the past?

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I had this problem myself before when I was running an exit node (and it was annoying enough to just scrap the running of an exit node) but it would appear that the proper way around it is for you to configure your exit node to not allow outbound connections to the default IRC ports.

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Unfortunately they make no difference between exit and middleman nodes. I already have blocked port 80.

Point is, if every operator configures his or her node to a middleman you'll end up with a useless network, so I'll have to life with it, which isn't that hard. :) For the good cause, fight shits like the CIA and AIVD etc.

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Indeed. Because even in this little speck of dirt called The Netherlands, TERRORISTS are lurking.


Booo! Terrorists!

Pity there's not a similar pic of Geert Wilders (local dutch rightwing fanatic politician and nutter).

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If I understand http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml correctly we'll have to connect to it via Tor, 'cause it's a hidden service:
Banned: Tor access to freenode is via a hidden service (mejokbp2brhw4omd.onion). Please see URL freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml for more info. Thanks!

Yeah, but we can still turn it off in the channel. I don't see the problem with leaving it open until we have people start abusing it, but ill leave that decision up to an op.

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