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ES-LA language


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Can someone please give me a hand with the keyboard layout, is impossible to get any payload to work with this one.

On my country we use ES-LA layout (Spanish, Latin) and every time the BB sends a \  the computer gets a :

-  "  if I use the ES language setting.

-  }  if I use the US one

-  And nothing happens(or at least it don't send any QUACK command) if I set the recently added ES-LA. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hak5/bashbunny-payloads/master/languages/es-la.json)


For adding the language I am adding the raw json file into D:\languages\   and modifying the config.txt file to use it.

Here is an example output for running something under windows :

RUN WIN powershell ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\\$SWITCH_POSITION\file.cmd')"

turns into

powershell .((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads"switch2"file.cmd')  

As you can see it prints " instead of \

This is the layout for every ES-LA keyboard, but I can't figure out how to do the mapping.



I 'll appreciate any help on this

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On 10/29/2017 at 12:51 AM, semefi said:

Hi guys, 


are you from Mexico?

I already have the key map from our keyboard layout, but I still have some troubles with some characters like ¿¡°¬@ everything else is working fine

Hi Semefi

I am from Chile, but we use the same key mapping, would be really helpful if you can share your mapping config with me, even if you still have some characters issue, that's better than the current es-la config file on the wiki.


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You gonna need to map the keys according to table 10 in this document :


The basis is a AT-101 keyboard 




So you take the key position , and map the character code according to its position. 

The one catch is that the HID Reporter that gets send over is still for an AT-101 keyboard so if you have a key code that is beyond the scope of the basic AT-101 key there isn't a way to send the key code. 

However in your case it could be you are not sending the right modifier code. 


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4 hours ago, Maestropastelero said:

Hi Semefi

I am from Chile, but we use the same key mapping, would be really helpful if you can share your mapping config with me, even if you still have some characters issue, that's better than the current es-la config file on the wiki.


I've already done the pull request, give a couple of hours to be approved. 

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