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what happen if 12v powered in router WAN port ? does it burns the router processor or port alone ?


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Not an expert in the matter or that particular router model but I do know that if you were to apply POE to a non-POE device it can cause serious damage.  POE is 48 volts but its the amperage applied that really gets you.  Usually with POE there is no damage done do to POE detection on switch/devices.  I do know some routers have no protection, that's why some recommend surge protectors.

How did you accidentally apply 12v to the WAN port? 

Hopefully someone else can give you a little more info on your exact router.

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@trapman16 Just a concept like "killer USB".I haven't done anything yet but I will test it once i got some answers.

The aim is to burn the router's processor by powering to WAN or LAN port on router or anyway have it silently.

I chose to use my TP link 841n old router to test but i don't know the how much voltage to burn my router silently.

or any suggestion is welcome. but not physically damaging.


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Why kill a perfectly good router?  I'll trade you?  I have a ton of older wireless B routers.  A brand new shinny N router sounds good right about now.  :) 

I would search around for making a device that'll create a sort of EMP.  Using high voltage at a high frequency would zap it pretty good.  I'm pretty sure that's what they use in the killer usb.  Low voltage high current would do the trick but it would take time.  It would slowly heat up the device and kill it where as the high voltage high frequency (typically low current) would take out a device quickly.  Only problem is it might only be temporary.  It'd be like a surge through your incoming power.  Most devices can take a hit and keep on ticking.  Also the killer usb uses 5v from the usb port to charge the caps before discharging them.  If you can't get any power from a Ethernet port then you'd have to provide your own power this is where a hand held powered EMP like device would be ideal.

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@Bob123 is correct I believe about the USB Killer.  It operates around the 200v area and several pulses per second.  I once saw a blog post showing someone using a taser to make a usb killer like device but can't remember where.

@Bob123 when you refer to an EMP are you talking about a radiated device that would not need to be connected or are you meaning an EMP burst through a connection?  I have read a couple horror stories on other forums were people tested small EMP radiating devices and damaged/destroyed non-target equipment due to it having more power/range than they expected.  

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Trapman16 you are correct.  If you were to use the radiating device it would probably take out the router and any device close to it.  I'd be curious if anything near by would be affected by an EMP device that literally had a CAT5 plug on it.  I've done some reading on them as well as seen a few videos and they all talk about spark gaps which I think it itself would emit some radiated EMF.

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Not to threadjack but Is it possible to have a portable EMP device that was Protected from its own EMP pulse? eg. A shielded box/bag with an antenna poking up and out through the shielding.  

/unsure of anything EMP except bad news bears for the tinkerers

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