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New Tetra Factory Reset Issue


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Just bought a Tetra a few weeks ago. Every time I shutdown or reboot the Pineapple, it factory resets. Nothing saves, and I have to go through full setup everytime. What can I do to stop this or exchange it?

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This started when trying to wipe it and get a fresh start. Downloaded the latest Tetra firmware and can't find a way to simply re-flash it. Ran the "firstboot" command and now it factory wipes and starts fresh after every reboot. Resets everything (wifi admin), logs, modules, everything. Any ideas?

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  • 3 months later...

I had a Tetra that had the same issue. Do an initial configuration so that you can SSH into the device. Once you are able to SSH run the firstboot command and choose 'y' to reset it to factory again. After the command has finished type reboot. This fixed my issue and now I have a fully functional tetra again! 

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