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Starting OS


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Just wanted to stir up conversation on what OS people got Started hacking on? Version number if you dont mind showing your age? and/or can remember.


Slackware 2.6 i believe

when i first got into it i mainly just liked to watch (no pun intended) and snoop around.

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Well I learnt hacking techniques on Windows..So I guess you could say I learn to hack on Windows. I've rarely ever used a more mainstream hacking OS like Kali, Debian etc. as I just can't be bothered going into huge detail learning them. What I have currently is fine.

Besides, I haven't seen anything stronger than HBCD for hacking a Windows OS..That thing is so OP..But for pentesting networks and stuff like that Kali would probably be the way to go.

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I think Kali is the way to go for most people me i prefer to do everything my-self.  So when i do pen tests i have a Debian system that has my usual toolset on it however i do have a dual boot of Kali just in case i need it.

I wouldn't say that i learned to hack on windows my started out as just pranks on coworkers and then the urge came from there to actually dive in a little deeper.



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Hmm. I think the tinkering started as soon as we got the computer, but windows 95 is where it began with AOL dialup and just progressed from there. Telnet client in windows cmd window was about as hot as it gets till I figured out the dial-up terminal server which was similar to a tn3270 client and could attach to tcp. Back then there were still a lot of BBS's you could telnet and even dial into and gopher servers for searching info over telnet.


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Probably with our old Atari 520ST.  We'd daisy chain a half dozen of them at a friends house and play midi-maze.  I'd try to figure out how to kill the other players without playing the game.  Never really did figure anything out, but was fun trying.  I was like 12 or 13 when it came out.

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At the risk of showing my age, the first OS I started on was Tangerine BASIC, on the old Oric Atmos. I'd used CP/M before that but the Oric was where I started to learn how to make the computer do what I wanted, rather than what someone else had told it to do.

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I started programming on a Commodore Vic 20.  6 months later it was basic on the Apple IIe where I used an app called Lockpick to open an anarchist cookbook.  I would have to say I really got into hacking a year after that when I was only 11 and my family moved from the ghetto to a middle class neighborhood and I made friends with some kids who ran BBS boards and stuff.  Their parents convinced my parents to invest in a 386sx for me with a 4800baud modem.  The convincing argument was, "You will know where he is."

So, they taught me about the online world.  So I could say I started first hacking with DOS and Windows 3.1 while at the same time on Solaris because through connections with them I got me a dial up account with the local university so got to experience Unix life some too.  Plus their boards had information too.  I also learned a whole lot about viruses, especially during the local h/p/a/v board wars.  I had to reformat so many times during that time, and learned to do backups.  I even tried my hand for a short while with a BBS.

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