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Am I the only one getting cynical in tech?

Darren Kitchen

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I love how l0gic said it. I think part of the cynicism is the way technology is these days. We're not seeing the huge breakthroughs of the 1990s. Hard drives go from 500GB to 750GB and it's no big deal. It's just bigger. Or just a bit faster. Nothing is brand new. It's going to take a whole new paradigm of computing for the new technology to excite us. But here's the kicker: WE are the people who will come across that technology. Take the U3 hack... that was a brilliant piece of work. Those are the things that will keep us in the game in the long run.

Besides, if not technology, what would you do? Business? Law? Those are fields that will get the heart pumping, let me tell you. Wonderful spreadsheets and legal briefs. :lol:

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As many have already said it is hard not to be cynical regarding tech today, due to the lack of advances, out-sourceing, and the fact that advertising always seems to say a new piece of tech is awsome or revolutionay.....only to see it fall flat on its face or fail to meet expectations.

My solution:

I think someone mentioned it earlier. UNPLUG. I know its hard. But ya goata do it.

I like to use my vacation time, tell my boss to piss off for a week or two, and just go into the woods, camp, live off the land (or MRE's if the fishing/hunting/trapping ain't good), and Just hike for miles......no electronic tech involved.....no gps.....no cell phone....ect. And seriously just live, it is refreshing and rewarding. Hell, sometimes I bring a freind along if there crazy enough, and have a blast.

When you return, every piece of tech seems awsome. Even the toilet, shower and microwave will be like...damn thats great, who came up with it, they are awsome.

Dont get me wrong I am a geek and want to write code, or play with some new software i think of, Frag some n00bs, or even just check my email or chat with someone for the first few days im out there. But like they say absense makes the heart grow fonder.

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Its certainly a result of living, breathing, everything techie.

Like people have said already, you need to get a non techie release.

Something to do that does not involve tech, I have tried it but get bored to fast :) My latest escape is RC cars, I want to try snowboarding dont think thats too techie.

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I reckon technology is great and there is always really cool stuff coming out

You just have to love that i can be in Australia, log onto an IRC server somewhere in canade, then tell you that you suck balls, and than in ~0.3 of a second later some guy in Germany is laughing at you about it

There's heaps of really cool stuff out there

Personally i think the problem is that we have gotten used to taking stuff like that for granted. For the most part all of the final barriers to communication have fallen completely in the last decade. (except of course for all of the weird shit like being able to have sex with people over the internet, which, let's be honest, would be totally cool but is more of an odd kink than something we really need to consider here) We have all of this really awesome stuff, so a bit more awesomeness is nothing really special

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