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General modules Discussion


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Just thought this might be worthy for a future consideration for modules in the web interface

When using a module on a mobile device it is really easy to click on the green installed dependencies button.

This instantly removes the dependencies without any prompt.

Some of the module buttons and dropdown boxes sit right under this button. Once incorrect press and all the dependencies are removed.

Just thinking for a future consideration to prompt users if they wish to remove these?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Who all thinks we should get these devices separated here on the forum module page.

For better support and bug finding I think it would help everyone

Known differences nano having SD card and install function and Tetra not

I think when posting issues we all should name the device first then the firmware we are on .then the module with the issue in the proper device topic.

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Considering one module is made for both devices (meaning the same code is used on both devices) it would not make sense to separate the threads. A change in code for the NANO would also appear on the TETRA and vice versa. If there is a problem with a specific device then I would do what Foxtrot stated and simply include the device you are using in your post.

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  • 1 month later...

I use sublime text with the sftp plugin. It makes it super easy to work on your code locally and then upload to your pineapple to test with hot keys.

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Hello, I'm a PHP developer, but I'm very new to BASH scripting and making a backend script work with a webpage. Where can I find docs or a tutorial on how to make a module for the TETRA?

How can I view the code of modules that have been already created? like the recon module?

Can modules hook-into the stock options? (Example: on recon page, there is a drop-down arrow that allows users to add SSID to a pool, could a module "hook" into that and add another option?)

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Check out the Let's Code session Darren and Seb did here:

You can look in the modules section to see if any of the current modules have posted their code on github (it's the author's discretion tho); I believe there are bits of code you can view on the tetra itself when you install a module if you want to go that route as well.

There is an API you can use, I'm not sure what all it entails or does.

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Thank you, I did not see this video... if it's on the Tetra, I should be able to locate the module and just read the code... I'm not trying to steal anything, just trying to get ideas on how to code this up.

I had a few ideas:

1: Auto handshake find all AP in range, deauth them and the clients that it can find, get handshake or give up after X min (clean it and change to hashcat format). Then move to the next one and try again.

2: Wash / Reaver auto crack. Will try bully on all AP in range, and if it gets a WPS lock, move on to the next one... Once all completed in range, start over again and resume... (so AP's with longer time outs will still cracked sooner or later) but you can move on to others while waiting.

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I haven't even thought about coding, so I can't help much more than what I have so far.

I def wasn't recommending stealing any code, but checking out the current modules is a good way to see how they do what they do.

Those sound like cool modules, having options to select which APs to apply to would really help if you do try to tackle those.

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I would recommend watching that Lets Code video, as well as checking out the examples provided in the "Module Maker" module. It gives you a (basic) example of how to transfer data to and from the front end and back end using AngularJS.

I second the Module Maker motion. It's definitely a great way to get started.

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It looks like there is a package already for aircrack-ng called "besside-ng" but it's not in the list of installable packages... I'm going to looking compiling my own and moving onto the device... not sure what this will take yet... but it sounds like a good feature I want...

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everybody,

My name is Cyrus, and I am new with the WiFi Pineapple technology. I have couple questions for you. My first question is, I would like know if I'm able to create my own module. If I can create my own module, in what language it needs to be coded. My second question is, the modules that are already provided to us, am I able to look inside them? I thought the modules are open source, and I can look into the modules. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and if I'm right then how am I able to download a module and open it?

Thank you.

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