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Suggestions on HeadStart for Information Security


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Hello Everyone,

No stranger to Hak5 and the show. Came here for some wisdom.

I'm about to start formal education on Information Security. I'm currently working as a Network Security engineer (work mostly on all kinds of VPN solutions) and therefore do not have a lot of experience with what the other aspects of Security are made up of (Forensics, Cyber etc..). Here is a list of the classes I'll be attending over the next year or so:

  • Security and Privacy in Computing 
  • Cryptography and Coding
  • Computer Security 
  • Network Security (I think I know a bit of this now)
  • Computer Intrusion Detection 
  • Forensics 
  • Software Vulnerability
  • Cloud Computing Security 

I wanted to know from you guys as to if there is content on Hak5 (and elsewhere) that I can start viewing/reading for learning purposes. I'm looking into getting a head start into the field of InfoSec and would like any sort of help.

PS: I know coding is an essential skill these days and I'm already working on improving mine. Any pointers in this front would also be much appreciated!

Thanks guys! 

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Hello and welcome.


We actually have a topic already all about where to start, but the most valuable skill could be coding. However the most invaluable one, using google. Knowing how to search for information.

Oh link to the topic for you 


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