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Canøt mount nandf - How to completely restore?


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A brief history at first. I've had several problems with making my Bunny Quack after upgrading from 1.0 to 1.3 last week. After the upgrade, nothing was written on screen. Payloads executed as I could see LED's changing color, but nothing was written. Have tried both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 17.

Well, i then decided to reset my Bunny using the 3 pull-out method. After getting back to 1.0_167 I couldn't mount the Bunny in arming mode on Linux, as it complained about a .git file / folder (from the GitBunnyGit payload). On Windows I could mount the Bunny, and was able to Quack again.

When SSH'ing into the Bunny it showed the ".git" file / folder thingy, but I was unable to remove it, as I received: "cannot remove .git input/output error" (not exactly, but that wording. I then did the restore again, but this has only made matters worse...

On Windows and Linux I get the Bunny mounted, but not under the "BashBunny" name, but a generic drive letter, and the drive is empty! No files, nothing!

Tried to place a 1.1 upgrade file on there and reboot in arming mode, but the bunny flashes red/blue a few times, then reboots in arming mode. I also tried creating the folder structure as well as an version.txt containing 1.0_167. Still the same.

I then used the serial console to access the bunny, from which I can no longer mount the nandf system:

root@bunny:~# mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nandf,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

So.... How do I get back to square one? Completely restore this thing? Or somehow recreate the udisk filesystem.... As of now the BB is an expensive 2GB usb drive, and not much more :S


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How do I get back to square one? Completely restore this thing? Or somehow recreate the udisk filesystem....


try this

To restore the BB to original point you can put it into arming mode, plug it into power, wait for the green light to turn on then as soon as the green led goes out unplug it. do this a total of 3 times. The 4th time leave it plugged in and wait for the police lights to finish. it should then be restored to original point. you can then re-flash 1.3 and start again.

Edited by Just_a_User
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Thanks for the reply.

Any particular location to execute that command from? I get command not found. Tried searching the forum for the command, and found another topic stating that this should work on 1.2+ firmaware, and mentiones another command for 1.1 (reformat_udisk). Unfortunately I'm stuck at 1.0 and neither seems to work.

The plug in / unplug 3 times has not restored my udisk partition, and I can't upgrade the Bunny using the describeb method (flashed red/blue 3 times, then reboots to arming mode)


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Here is the udisk script:


function print_usage() {
	echo "udisk [ mount | unmount | remount | reformat ]"

function get_confirmation() {
	read -r -p "[?] Are you sure you want to reformat udisk? All files will be removed [y/N] " confirm
	case "$confirm" in
	        return 0
	        return 1

function mount_udisk() {
	mount -o sync /dev/nandf /root/udisk &> /dev/null
	return $?

function unmount_udisk() {
	[[ $(mount | grep /dev/nandf) == "" ]] || {
		umount /dev/nandf &> /dev/null
		return $?
	return 0

function reformat_udisk() {
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nandf  bs=512  count=1 &> /dev/null
	mkfs.vfat -n "BashBunny" /dev/nandf &> /dev/null

function copy_files() {
	mkdir -p /root/udisk/loot
	mkdir -p /root/udisk/tools
	cp /root/version.txt  /root/udisk
	cp -rf /usr/local/bunny/udisk/* /root/udisk/ &> /dev/null

function do_format() {
	unmount_udisk && {
		mount_udisk && copy_files
		echo "[*] Udisk formatted successfully. The system will now reboot."
	} || {
		echo "[!] Error: Udisk is busy"

case $1 in
		mount_udisk && echo "[*] Udisk mounted to /root/udisk" || echo "[!] Error: Udisk could not be mounted"
	"unmount" | "umount")
		unmount_udisk && echo "[*] Udisk unmounted" || echo "[!] Error: Udisk is busy, could not unmount"
		unmount_udisk && (mount_udisk && echo "[*] Udisk re-mounted to /root/udisk") || {
			echo "[!] Error: Udisk is busy, could not unmount"
		get_confirmation && do_format && reboot


You should be able to save that to a file and execute it on the Bash Bunny to restore the udisk partition.

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A BIG thanks for all your great help!

I've succeded in getting the Bunny back to life, and even better than before. Here's what I did

1: Used the "dd...." command to zero out the udisk
2: Formatted as FAT32 from Windows, with "BASHBUNNY (Autocorrected to capital) as the lavel
3: Checked that I could mount the udisk from serial = success
4: Flashed to 1.3 using the normal method
5: Used the "reformat udisk" command, which formatted, put all the original stuff back on, and set a correct volume label of "BashBunny"

After this, my original issue has also been solved. The Bunny now quacks on 1.3! And it Quacks in my national language as well! Huge success!

Thanks again guy. May I suggest a wiki article or something for this unfortunate situation I had myself in? I see all the info is spread out there in different threads and such, but might be beneficial to have it in one place.

Again, thank you!

- Thomas

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