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5ghz micro usb adapter supported? Anyone?


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I've searched throughout openwrt and hak5 forums to determine if there are any supported 5ghz micro usb dongles available to the community.

My first guess is no, but I'm hoping someone can provide positive information.

I know that aircrack-ng on the nano can show 5ghz information.  I have done so using a ALFA AWUS052NH.

Unfortunately, when using the ALFA card, I also have to use a powered USB hub.  I'm looking to monitor 5ghz without all the additional equipment.

Suggestions are welcomed.

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I was in the same search as you for a while and picked up the same alfa except the monitor mode was quite dodgy.  Sometimes it would show results and other times it wouldnt.  I ended up just getting a Tetra for ease of use. 5ghz wifi dongle that do monitor and injection mode are hard to find.

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