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So I tried doing everything that is mentioned in Hak5's episode 2101, but when it goes to execute the .ps1 file, there is an error in the cmd prompt which says: 


Specified cast is not valid.
At line:2179 char:7
+         if (($PEInfo.DllCharacteristics -band $Win32Constants.IMAGE_D ...
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], InvalidCastException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidCastException



When I look at the .ps1 file through my web server, the error seems to be somewhere here: 



[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = [IntPtr]::Zero
			Write-Warning "PE file being reflectively loaded is not ASLR compatible. If the loading fails, try restarting PowerShell and trying again" -WarningAction Continue
			[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = $OriginalImageBase
1 hour ago, ohbh said:

So I tried doing everything that is mentioned in Hak5's episode 2101, but when it goes to execute the .ps1 file, there is an error in the cmd prompt which says: 


Specified cast is not valid.
At line:2179 char:7
+         if (($PEInfo.DllCharacteristics -band $Win32Constants.IMAGE_D ...
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], InvalidCastException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidCastException



When I look at the .ps1 file through my web server, the error seems to be somewhere here: 



[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = [IntPtr]::Zero
			Write-Warning "PE file being reflectively loaded is not ASLR compatible. If the loading fails, try restarting PowerShell and trying again" -WarningAction Continue
			[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = $OriginalImageBase

Also, i'm using Windows 10


1 hour ago, ohbh said:

So I tried doing everything that is mentioned in Hak5's episode 2101, but when it goes to execute the .ps1 file, there is an error in the cmd prompt which says: 


Specified cast is not valid.
At line:2179 char:7
+         if (($PEInfo.DllCharacteristics -band $Win32Constants.IMAGE_D ...
+             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], InvalidCastException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.InvalidCastException



When I look at the .ps1 file through my web server, the error seems to be somewhere here: 



[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = [IntPtr]::Zero
			Write-Warning "PE file being reflectively loaded is not ASLR compatible. If the loading fails, try restarting PowerShell and trying again" -WarningAction Continue
			[IntPtr]$LoadAddr = $OriginalImageBase

Also, i'm using Windows 10

Also, instead of using Windows 7 like the Episode 2101, i'm using Windows 10

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