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Bully gets a flow of timeouts and channel changes


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I just started playing around with reaver and bully. Only the latter seems to work for me, but I am having some problems. When I start bully it tries a bunch of different pins with the occasional timeout, wpsfail and eapfail in between. After several minutes it goes crazy, flooding timeouts and changing channels (even though the AP stays the same). If I restart the process it works fine again for several minutes, and then the problem comes back. Anyone else experience this problem?

First I associate successfully with the AP: aireplay-ng wlan1mon -1 0 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Then I run bully: bully wlan1mon -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -e SomeSSID --pin1delay 5,5 --noacks

After a while I get a ton of these

[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '3'
[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '7'
[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '11'
[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '4'
[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '8'
[+] Switching interface 'wlan1mon' to channel '1'

and a ton of these

[+] Rx( Auth ) = 'Timeout'   Next pin '99686543'
[+] Rx( Auth ) = 'Timeout'   Next pin '99686543'
[+] Rx( Auth ) = 'Timeout'   Next pin '99686543'
[+] Rx( Assn ) = 'Timeout'   Next pin '99686543'

I have played around a bit with delays, but maybe I need to up them to 30 or something? Guessing it will take a really long time if I do.




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Look into wifite and pixie dust attack. Save from headaches. Make sure updated and using latest versions too. If on kali, all should work. Pixie dust attack will do what you want quickly with vulnerable devices to test against.

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ah, k. my bad. not sure if ported over for the pineapple or if they run on there.

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