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New PineApple NEED HELP


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Hello all, 

Well I tried to search before posting but I need someone help. One of my co-works bought a pineapple mark V. Since he's a tech and always buying gadgets he forgot about this one. He didn't want it so he gave it to me. I was very excited to play with it. Everything was still in the bad like brand NEW... after reading the instruction on how to connect it and upgrade the software I'm running into some trouble. Since I'm on a mac i can't connect the ethernet cable to the pineapple. I turn on the device and connected it using the wifi. I setup the password and was able to get into the interface. I then this video on how to setup it up from Darrel . Tutorial: Unboxing and Upgrading WiFi Pineapple Mark V - Pineapple University

I was able to join my network just find. I have the red,blue, and green light on. I'm even using my wifi right now while typing this through the pineapple. When I tried to do a firmware update I keep getting

"Error connecting. Please check your WiFi Pineapple's internet connection." how's that possible since I'm using the wifi from it. 

I tried everything and still nothing is working on updating it. Am i doing something wrong or do i need to change something since it's a older model? 


Any kind of help would be awesome!

Thank you, 

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I found my issue after looking around some more. Someone had the same problem, i guess I had a very old version of the firmware. I was about to scp the file and extract .. it's rebooting now so we will see if that fix the issue. 

Here's the link to the thread and site . 


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