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Wifi admin -- not connecting


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6 hours ago, machinegeek said:

Set up for admin over wifi, but it will not consistently allow me to connect. Anyone else have this problem?

Yeah I have same problem. Made the post about it thats below this one back out on the contents page  https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/39848-direct-connection-from-tetra-to-router/ pineapple directly connected to modem/router via ethernet cord and can connect via wifi for the first 15 20 mins...then nothing after that: doesnt work without redoing setup again.


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After further research...

Seems directly connecting the Pineapple to a router is not that straight forward a process because your router (via DHCP) will assign the pineapple an IP in the 192.168.x.x etc range but it needs/expects that 172...etc address.  Have found a few snippets about actually having the pineapple work on that 192 address instead of the 172 but it didn't work for me (could easily have been doing it wrong as I found it damn complicated).  Everyone said not to do that anyway as it would break certain features of the pineapple.

You can obviously assign manual and static IP's to devices through your router management but again, only in the 192...range.  Thats how it is in my router setup/admin anyway.

Suspect thats only why it works that way for the first 20 mins or so... then the router assigns it a 192... IP which doesn't work and you can no longer find the Pineapple.

Given the size of the tetra, I liked the idea of leaving it set-up in my house, next to the router, at least during the practice stages.  Would have saved a bunch of money and bought the Nano if I'd known I had to use this 'portable' setup to talk to the pineapple though. 

I haven't really found anything or heard from anyone (developer or otherwise) that knows how to remedy this.

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  • 1 month later...

Same issue. I can't connect to the Admin or Open AP but I can over eth0 (rj45 ethernet). Once in I change the admin wifi password (back to the exact same password), the wireless resets, and then I can connect to the Admin or Open AP.

When I reboot I have to do this all over again.

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It looks like the Open AP SSID was too long. I was able to test this on a nano & tetra. When I reset a pineapple I change the SSID to something really long. After a reboot it failed to connect (except though the rj45 cable). 

When I shortened the SSID to something reasonable I am able to reboot both systems and connect fine without resetting anything. I have tested this several times. So, it was a fix for me.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/25/2017 at 4:47 PM, stilia.johny said:

I have the same problem.. 


Tbh on my Tetra is not connecting on both Admin or Open AP. 


I have to reset the network by update the network settings, which eventually will reset the WIFi. 



Same here. I can access the ui via open ssid once,  Tried to reset the WPA2 management iface, on reboot /reconnect the open will not auth nor will the management AP accept the password. Strange. My instinct is that I'm using the wrong wlan interface config, or a power issue, or the fact that I'm using a Mac-MacOS. I have the external wlan adapter as well, and wondering if there issue there on power draw. 

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I can't bring up the setup menu at all. I have everything connected as it is supposed to be, AC adapter, Cat5 going from the PA to the computer, and a micro USB going from the computer to the Eth1 port. HELP! I can't even access the setup menu!!

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