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NANO dies after new Recon Scan


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Hi guys,

I have recently got my Pineapple NANO, start playing with it and observe a strange behaviour. I am starting from the Recon page when I see the APs and clients, after that I go to PineAP, select all the options, switch on the module and my Pineapple NANO stars adding networks from probes into the pool and advertises them, which is correct and good. I then back to the Recon page, choose some SSIDa and run some death’s for them which also works well. After that I decide to scan for more SSIDs on the Recon page, start a new scan and all stops - the Pineapple NANO doesn’t advertise any networks anymore, the scan result is empty and nothing helps to get it alive, even a reboot from the control panel doesn’t help, it reboots but same behaviour after the reboot. I have to shut it down and power it on in order to get everything working again.

Would you please let me know guys is that an expectable behaviour and how to avoid such unpleasant things?

Best and happy holidays to the community!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was playing with two options - from my macbook usb and from my powerbank, I think the issues were same. I have tried it again now and seems that I don't have such problems anymore. Is that possible that the device was overheated or how that can be connected to the powering method?

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The Nano needs a 5v2amp power supply to be fully functional.  I have used my mbp to power mine but I also plug the second end of the Y-cable into a power bank just to make sure that it is getting all the power it needs and have never had a problem with that.  If your power bank is only 5v1amp that might be the problem.  Also the Nano does run a little hot I have noticed, but never has never gotten so hot that it doesn't perform.

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