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Don't know but some of you may of heard of this program Synchroneyes, it is used to monitor (in realtime) what every computer in that particular room is doing, the teacher can remote access your computer remotly, they can take you to certain certain sites and make you stay withing the vecinity of that site, i need some way of getting past this.

Does anybody know how?


Ask the admin why he/she is spying on you and ask if it was mentioned in the TOS that you (probably) signed when you agreed to using the computers.


What a wonderfully Orwellian application. I strongly approve on it's use to control the weak minded kids. I especially like the ability to show messages in full screen, it just lacks the ability to do it subliminally.

You do realize that it shows all screens and if you disabled it or got around the blocks that would be very visible? If by chance the last screen it got stays visible you would just seem very inactive and get caught that way instead.


I think we had something similar when I was in high school, I think it was NetOps or something. What a wonderfully annoying program that was.

I remember the TOS at our school. Most of the TOS never mention anything about the spying that goes on. Most people find out about the spying the heard way...Now that I think about it I never signed the user agreement back in high school 8)


my school has deep Freeze on all computers, and NetOp on all computers its kinda anoying...

but the iPrisim is my real Problem


All of ours have deep freeze. The computers in one of the labs (i am not sure about the others) have some kind of program like you explained. I found out when the teacher forgot his screen was being projected onto the big screen thing :P It had one page and showed all the comp screens in the room. :(


You could edit the windows host file.


at the bottom drop in the line... www.BLAH.com

just change the ip to the site you want to go to * for google*

and change www.blah.com to the site that your stuck on.

this all depends on the way that Synchroneyes blocks sites.


also this a fun way to play pranks on people (make google.com go anywhere)or a easy way to block websites.


I do now how to get past it now, but i want to like use the program against the teachers, and they don't know i got past it, because i just replace my thumbnail with either another pc in the school or link it to another one in the room.


At my old secondary school we had software which access a VNC on every computer and took a screen shot every 10s and then kept that for 2 weeks.

Then also every computer is keylogged and that it kept for over 6 months.

If you think you have privacy on a public computer then you need your head examining!

I do now how to get past it now, but i want to like use the program against the teachers, and they don't know i got past it, because i just replace my thumbnail with either another pc in the school or link it to another one in the room.

I think we're done here... anyone agree? Lockage?

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