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Stupid School TECH Admin


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all my school's passwords they give out are 6 Digit Random Numbers

and the user name is First Name Inatial Last Name

So if your name was George Keith Nunez

then... "GkNunez"

I wish they would let us pick our user name and password...

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In my time the school we went to only had one computer and this computer had the size of 2 classrooms with a' air pressed door to get in or out of the computer.

But this is back in the old day's like 1975.



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I'm on the C2K systems (which are shit) .. and get a gay user name off gchivers646 (they pick them for us) .. but of course I have may own supper 1337 untouchable pas :P

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our place has a novel system, i guess it's ok but it's really funny what you can do with the access rights manager. We gave the main server (HS1) full write access to my friends account, for some reason the server then gave him full write access to the remaining free space on HS1. His account went from 10M to 419Gib.

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High School admins really can't be expected to gods of technology. Some of the kids at my school sort of hold them to this golden standard, when really it doesn't make sense to do so.

For example, the previous admin at my school was decent, but he was an English major in college and everyone would complain when everything wasn't perfect. The current admin went to a two-year college after he graduated from my high school and came right back to be a tech admin. When these guys were in high school, they weren't the genius computer kids that some of the people who criticize them are.

However, they do manage to do some really stupid stuff. Granting anonymous FTP access to the ftp server to read all directories and files. Horrible passwords to safeguard the databases. Dysfunctional web site.

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  • 4 months later...

ive figured something else about the passwords at our school ....

there in alphabetical order...

for example my name is Dustin Macintosh (not really)  and my password is 090225 (nope)

the person right after me Bob Moore their password would be 090226

very simple system

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My school admin is a pretty smart guy, and there is a team of about 5 people backing him up.  The result is everything is turned off...(right click, batch files, command prompt, and just about everything else.)  Guess he has a reason to be paranoid though.  A couple years ago someone sent out a broadcast that went to not only our school, but to all the neighboring high schools in our county (apparantly our networks are connected).

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My school admins are stupid. If you unplug the Ethernet before Boot, Ranger will come up and say "Could not connect to Authentication Server!". Then if you click "I'm an Admin", it will log you in as an Admin. Then, Plug the Ethernet back in. Admin account with Internet.

Or, If you want answers to tests (i don't do this, i just know how), Just Login as "Teacher" and password "TextBook". Then Just go to "Teachers on TeachServ(F:)".

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You should really try to get an anonymous note to the principal explaining this. If you know, others know. And they might not feel they shouldn't abuse this knowledge.

When I was in school, we had our finals for Operating Systems, and I dreaded this one. The course was a pain, and I didn't take enough time to prep.

We sat down in the room, got the exam papers and at the top it read in capitals: "NOT FOR <my class>". We didn't know what to do and the guy monitoring the exam didn't know either, so he sent us on our way... He didn't however take back all the exam papers.

We had another exam after that, and at the start of that one our Operating Systems teacher came in, explained there was a mix-up and we'd be given the choice: Either take that same exam later that day, or take it at another time (as you may have stuff planned for this afternoon). I refused to believe our teacher would be so stupid to give us the exact same exam, so I passed on the offer and went for the later date, hoping the extra time would help. Most of my classmates figured this was a golden opportunity, accepted and took the time after this exam to study the questions of that OS exam in detail, and look up the answers when they needed to. Sure enough, they got the exact, same exam, and a number of staggeringly stupid people got As and Bs on it. I ended up doing only averagely at the later date.

I felt kinda cheated on that one, but I took pride in the fact that I completed the exams on merit.

As a one-time goof, I'd probably keep my mouth shut, but if something like this were to happen often, I'm sure I'd inform those in charge, as keeping things the way they are could taint the value of the degree I hope to end up with.

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ive figured something else about the passwords at our school ....

there in alphabetical order...

for example my name is Dustin Macintosh (not really)  and my password is 090225 (nope)

the person right after me Bob Moore their password would be 090226

very simple system

Given its sequential, or set length of numbers, then you would probably be able to get anyones password. What happens when someone new is between two names? Does everyone get a new password? I find it hard to beleive that they would use such a method....

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At the (6th form) college Sparda and I went to your username was your student ID number, which anyone could get using the online email address book thing (you could search for a name and it would return their college email address which was <student ID>@domainname.ac.uk) and your password was your date of birth in DDMMYY format.

This meant you had to keep your birthday a secret and even if you did manage that most people had just left high school, so you knew within a year when they were born. As you might guess you could brute force their password using a simple script (from home no less, since the online email access had the same password). The worst thing was you couldn't change your password for the entire first year.

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I can just imagine a "Stupid School TECH Admin" looking at the logs for all the sites visited by the students & checking out forums.hak5.org

"Stupid School TECH Admin" looks around and sees a post about "Stupid School TECH Admin's" and reads.

"Stupid School TECH Admin" decides to tighten up security.

Student no longer has any more fun...

(but then again, i suppose the chance of that is pretty remote...)


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At my school i just got a new admin and he made the stupidest User name and password...

User:  Tiger

Pass:  Tiger

(my school mascot is a tiger) :!:

Maybe the users are stupid enough to forget passwords or it's too complex
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I can just imagine a "Stupid School TECH Admin" looking at the logs for all the sites visited by the students & checking out forums.hak5.org

"Stupid School TECH Admin" looks around and sees a post about "Stupid School TECH Admin's" and reads.

"Stupid School TECH Admin" decides to tighten up security.

Student no longer has any more fun...

(but then again, i suppose the chance of that is pretty remote...)


Just be glad this kid aint in my school or he'd be banned from the computers completely just for saying that SLANDER.

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