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LAN Turtle Problems


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I recently got a LAN turtle, and I have been having some issues. I have a server on digital ocean, and I setup the public and private keys exactly how it was setup in the tutorial, and when my LAN turtle is plugged into my computer, I can remotely ssh into it from my server. If I unplug it from my computer, plug it into a USB adapter, and when I try to access it remotely (ssh root@localhost -p 22), and I enter my password it says that the password that I entered is wrong, even though when I enter that same password when it is plugged into my computer, it says that it is right. Please Help!

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On 11/3/2016 at 2:35 AM, afrigo said:

when I try to access it remotely (ssh root@localhost -p 22), and I enter my password it says that the password that I entered is wrong, even though when I enter that same password when it is plugged into my computer, it says that it is right. Please Help!

If you are using autossh, you probably don't want to be using -p 22, but -p 2222 (depending on your config). The reason why it says invalid password, is because you are now simply SSHing into the DO box from within the DO box (localhost SSH on port 22).

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