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Nano does not work anymore after upgrade to 1.1.2.


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after upgrading to 1.1.2. the nano does not work anymore. If I plug in the nano, the blue light is on for two seconds, then you light goes out. The WP6 does not recognise the nano via the [C]onnect using saved settings. tried the option [G]uided setup: he detects the Nano in step 3 but after saving and starting via option C Linux can't detect it anymore.

Holding the reset button and plugging it in, the light stays blue but is not blinking. [C] does not work, and when you try [G]uided setup, you have to reconnect the Nano in step three and the light goes out after 2 seconds again. Holding on the reset button in step 3 the light stays on but after saving settings and start with [C], WP6 does not detect the Nano.

Never had problems before, started when starting after upgrade 1.1.2.

Step 1 of 3: Select Default Gateway
Default gateway reported as
Use the above reported default gateway? [Y/n]? y

Step 2 of 3: Select Internet Interface
Internet interface reported as eth0
Use the above reported Internet interface? [Y/n]? y

Step 3 of 3: Select WiFi Pineapple Interface
Please connect the WiFi Pineapple to this computer.
Detected WiFi Pineapple on interface eth1
Use the above detected WiFi Pineapple interface? [Y/n]? y

Settings saved.

Saved Settings: Share Internet connection from eth0
to WiFi Pineapple at eth1 through default gateway

[C]onnect using saved settings
[G]uided setup (recommended)
[M]anual setup
[A]dvanced IP settings

Detecting WiFi Pineapple....................................................................................................................................................................................................
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36 minutes ago, 846846 said:

Hi Sebkinne,

firmware recovery worked fine, thanks... stupid I didn't' think about it myself....

Where can I post these (stupid) questions next time, it's not clear to me where...


No worries, we all make mistakes :) 

Regarding the posting, I moved it from the "Questions" forum to the WiFi Pineapple NANO forum. 

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