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[HELP] My u3 doesnt work


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So i bought 2 u3 cruzer micro sticks

I downloaded spektromax payload

I put it into my stick..

I installed LP installer from my u3 stick

i changed the scripts with my own email

When i put the stick again into my computer nothing happens


later i tried to put switchblade on it

it works but not on the way i should be done

It gives me a start up screen what i wanna do

That screen when u plug something in..

When i click ok it saves the passwords files etc

But u3 version has to do it without clicking (automatic)

but mine doesnt what did i wrong?? ( i fucked my stick? )

Please someone help me



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ok i did that.. now when i plug my stick in

a green lamp of my floppy drive is looking for a floppy instead of reading my stick.. so still nothing happens when i plug my stick in

Some screens


Why it says autorunalwaysdisabled?




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