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Stealth Mode - Grab SMB hashes without anyone noticing


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After watching the recent episode of Hak5 (2102) on Youtube, I was wondering if this smb hash grab method can be done without the duck and with a normal USB stick.

The answer is YES.



-= HowTo do it =-

  • Grab any USB-Stick you have laying around
  • Create a Directory
  • Set the System attribute of this directory with attrib +s <dirname>
  • Create a file called desktop.ini in this directory with the following content
  • Save the desktop.ini as Unicode  or UTF-8 file
  • Set the attributes archive, hidden and system with attrib +a +h +s desktop.ini

Preparation -> Done

Put some RFCs in the directory.

Fire up the smbserver and give the Stick to your colleague that really needs these RFCs. >:-D
When he navigates to the drive you should have the hash delivered to your doorstep without any windows popping up.


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