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[Nano] iptables error & dont share internet to devices


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Hi, i have error wnrb configure

root@zion:/opt# ./wp6.sh 

    _       ___ _______    ____  _                              __    
   | |     / (_) ____(_)  / __ \(_)___  ___  ____ _____  ____  / /__ 
   | | /| / / / /_  / /  / /_/ / / __ \/ _ \/ __ '/ __ \/ __ \/ / _ \
   | |/ |/ / / __/ / /  / ____/ / / / /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  __/ 
   |__/|__/_/_/   /_/  /_/   /_/_/ /_/\___/\__,_/ .___/ .___/_/\___/  
                                               /_/   /_/       v6.4

    Saved Settings: Share Internet connection from 
    to WiFi Pineapple at eth1 through default gateway 

    [C]onnect using saved settings
    [G]uided setup (recommended)
    [M]anual setup
    [A]dvanced IP settings

    WiFi Pineapple detected. Please disconnect the WiFi Pineapple from
    this computer and press any key to continue with guided setup.
    Step 1 of 3: Select Default Gateway
    Default gateway reported as 
    Use the above reported default gateway?             [Y/n]? 

    Step 2 of 3: Select Internet Interface
    Internet interface reported as 
    Use the above reported Internet interface?          [Y/n]? 

    Step 3 of 3: Select WiFi Pineapple Interface
    Please connect the WiFi Pineapple to this computer.
    Detected WiFi Pineapple on interface eth1
    Use the above detected WiFi Pineapple interface?    [Y/n]? 

    Settings saved.

    Saved Settings: Share Internet connection from 
    to WiFi Pineapple at eth1 through default gateway 

    [C]onnect using saved settings
    [G]uided setup (recommended)
    [M]anual setup
    [A]dvanced IP settings

    Detecting WiFi Pineapple............found.

         _ .           ___          \||/
       (  _ )_  <-->  [___]  <-->  ,<><>,
     (_  _(_ ,)       \___\        '<><>'
Bad argument `eth1'
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
SIOCDELRT: No such process
Usage: inet_route [-vF] del {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M] [[dev] If]
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [gw Gw] [metric M]
                              [netmask N] [mss Mss] [window W] [irtt I]
                              [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If]
       inet_route [-vF] add {-host|-net} Target[/prefix] [metric M] reject
       inet_route [-FC] flush      NOT supported

    Browse to


and after install, when start - don't have internet connections.


PS how i can do hard reset? Maybe it will help.

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I had the same problem after using the Nano for a few days, the wp6 script failed as per your listing

Default gateway reported as

but no gateway ip or Internet gateway indicated, so I deleted my wp6.sh script and downloaded a new copy which worked fine, I did have other problems with module install failing which I don't think could be related to wp6, but a new download of wp6 after a factory reset on the Nano and everything is working again.

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