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School Firewall


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So this is my first time posting. Hello Everyone!!! I have a university firewall which blocks certain sites and access to remote servers used to play some online games and such. I use proxy servers to get to the sites that i want but when it comes onto connecting to a remote server so i can play a little yahoo pool or running an mmorpg i got problems connecting. is there anything that i can use to bypass this firewall restriction?

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i jus started my lift of MMORPG. so far im sticking with free ones since i aint working yet to start my life of WOW. I have started Maple Story so far and im checking out the top 10 MMORPGs to see which one to go ahead and deal wid. I Love RPGs

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i jus started my lift of MMORPG. so far im sticking with free ones since i aint working yet to start my life of WOW. I have started Maple Story so far and im checking out the top 10 MMORPGs to see which one to go ahead and deal wid. I Love RPGs

Just my little bit of advice, don't get into MMORPG's, RPGs are sweet but the MMO variety takes heaps of your time/life and then you realise that you can never finish it and you have just wasted a great many hours of your life. At least with normal RPGs you can finish them and with FPS and RTS games you can take those skills over to other similar games.

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I got a lot of time to play a few MMOs but i cant until i bypass the firewall. Not necessarily gonna play a MMO, prob multiplay a different game or relax with some yahoo pool or limewire or something else.Any Suggestions?????

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relax with some yahoo pool or limewire or something else

Limewire? Say it with me now:

Winners don't do Warez! (or illegal mp3's, or drugs)

Now that we've got that done with. You could try setting up a VPN or a SSL tunnel to somewhere that doesn't have such problematic restrictions.

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While i do not condone playing runscape my school also has a firewall with similar blocks i sugest using http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_cache just at .nyud.net:8080 to any website so http://www.hak5.org/forums/ becomes http://www.hak5.org.nyud.net:8080/forums/

The link does work it's just very slow compared to viewing the page without the proxy. When you quoted it, it cut off the :8080 port number for some reason.

To get around a university firewall, you could setup a m0n0wall router with PPTP VPN at your parents house, if they have an Internet connection. Then open up a tunnel from school to your house. Everything should be unblocked. As long as the don't try to stop you from opening a tunnel out, which they might. You could try to setup an VPN over http tunnel, a little more complex but it would pass through their proxies if all else fails. This is a lot of trouble to play some games, but if you have a lot of free time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would say ur skool isnt using a Firewall to block sites, thats not really a firewalls job (dont flam i know it can be but there are other programs better suited to the job), but yeah, i would say there using a proxy for there internet gateway, if ur limited to using certant sites then i suggest trying to find what proxy the teachers use, if u got a U3 ive got a nice prog to get the proxy details.

As for getting to play MMO's, u'll need to use another interal proxy that hasnt got the ports blocked, most skools use Packeteer (spelt wrong) to filter out given ports, such as MSN, FF, and Lime Wire. Most MMO's being as gay as they are will pull ur Porxy settings of IE (some also check FF), so go find out the teachers Proxy ^_^, then spend many of days in after skool detention, either coz u havnt handed in ur work or u were caught.

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i would say ur skool isnt using a Firewall to block sites, thats not really a firewalls job (dont flam i know it can be but there are other programs better suited to the job), but yeah, i would say there using a proxy for there internet gateway, if ur limited to using certant sites then i suggest trying to find what proxy the teachers use, if u got a U3 ive got a nice prog to get the proxy details.

As for getting to play MMO's, u'll need to use another interal proxy that hasnt got the ports blocked, most skools use Packeteer (spelt wrong) to filter out given ports, such as MSN, FF, and Lime Wire. Most MMO's being as gay as they are will pull ur Porxy settings of IE (some also check FF), so go find out the teachers Proxy ^_^, then spend many of days in after skool detention, either coz u havnt handed in ur work or u were caught.

In my post I just kept using "firewall" to represent whatever device or combination of devices that was doing the filtering. I also believe you're talking about a high school network, while the original post was a college student.

BTW, I don't think they have detention in college. :lol:

They could very well be using a traffic shaping technology like Packeteer, or a transparent proxy, or both.

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sorry, but in Australia High Skool is College, and yup they still get after skools ^_^.

and sorry i wasnt atualy refering to u about saying firewall. more legasy, also Uni's and colleges here both use pretty much the same set ups for the server and server progs, the only difference is the college i went to had better security, supos thats caused by more attemps on there security :/

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To bypass all my school filters, I use OpenSSH and Putty for the client. Has not failed me yet. I have found that using port 443 (SSL) is typically open at most schools.

As for your gaming situation, I use Hamachi (which was recently bought by LogMeIn) to create a P2P VPN, then I will use tightVNC within the encrypted tunnel for remote desktop work.

Below are some links to sites regarding setup of OpenSSH.

Hope that helps.




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